Thursday, February 28, 2008
Yee Haww!
Written by Tina at 12:27 PM 3 pretty notes
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Its the flu... its a cold... its... a SINUS INFECTION!
Written by Tina at 1:30 PM 0 pretty notes
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Quick Update & More Eye Candy
Written by Tina at 3:10 PM 1 pretty notes
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Awesomeness & Eye Candy!
Hahahaha. Sooo... I had to steal Miss Kim's idea for the eye candy. I think it will be weekly, unless I get too attached to it. Like Nikko Ritter, for instance. Mmmm... one of the best parts of Animal Planet's Horse Power reality TV series. Too bad it just followed them to the McClay. Or McLain? Don't remember, some really high up junior hunter/jumper competition. So, yes. You all now know how I found this fine, fine boy. He is one of the best male equestrians his age, and he looks great as an added bonus. -.^ Enough of Nikko, for the moment. Here's my AWESOMENESS. Since you guys were having trouble keeping up with my blogs, and I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with something [got 4 hours of sleep last night, skipped church this morning, slept until three this afternoon, and lost my voice], AND my mom got me a purdy handcrafted italian leather journal with two sketched horses stamped on it for Valentine's day. So I can write in that. :P But anyway... the AWESOMENESS is this random guy here, beatbox-fluting the INSPECTOR GADGET THEME SONG! w00t! Short post AGAIN! Aren't y'all proud of me? 'Till next post, God Bless! Tina
Written by Tina at 10:54 PM 4 pretty notes
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Slope, Slope, Slope
Written by Tina at 12:35 PM 1 pretty notes
Chase the Case & Total Dominance
Written by Tina at 12:06 AM 2 pretty notes
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I wish I could start a petition to add several hours to the day
Yup... if only we could have about 5-6 more hours in a day. Only if our workload doesn't increase, though. That way I could get more sleep, and not feel too bad about accidentally sleeping in for two hours more than I should... But anyway. I started this post yesterday, and just added this paragraph today... So everything is going to be about my day YESTERDAY. I might put up another post tonight. It promises to be an interesting day...
First of all, I had to feed in 30 degree weather. Yeah. I had two layers of breeches on underneath my jeans. But since I had my down coat, I just had a t-shirt and thin Eskimo Joe's sweatshirt that I got from my neighbor. I am SOOO out of shape it is unbelieveable. However, I am getting much faster at feeding. I dumped icey water buckets, filled them back up with water, grained, and hayed 25 horses in EXACTLY an hour. Seriously, down to the minute. I timed myself. AAAAND, that was while I stopped to pet Rooster for a minute, and somewhat took my time. I also had haybale issues. You should have seen me. I needed just ONE MORE haybale to finish, and the most accessible one was at the top of a very tall solid wall of haybales. I was jumping up and down with a hay hook in one hand, swinging it up and stabbing the bale with every jump. I tried to jump higher, tried to stretch my arm out, but nooo. I just couldn't reach that haybale. So, I yelled at Jeff, who was convienantly bringing in horses at the time. He got me down my haybale. With that one as something to stand on, I re-made a little stairway of haybales that Jeff had made earlier, and the rest of the feeders had destroyed. Then I tacked up for my lesson, and...
Dakota was AMAZING! He's been in a bad mood the past few weeks, not wanting to listen to me, getting over-excited about jumping, really fighting me about working off his butt, etc. But we did a mini-course after our warm-up [and after Kimberly fell off Chevy. haha. Sorry, Kimby. :P] and he was PERFECT. Well, as perfect as he could possibly get after not being ridden too often! He was an absolute gentleman going over the rolltop, which he's been giving me grief over for awhile, and he didn't get excited AT ALL over the coop, which I was surprised at since we were going downhill! That was exciting. We jumped the barrels both ways, without freaking out going towards home [the barn], AND HE GOT THE STRIDING RIGHT ON THE STONE WALL TO THE PICKET FENCE LINE!!!!! To steal a line from one of my favoritest performers and BOSSMEN [;P] ever... YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAWWW!!! Lets just say, we ended the lesson with that one. ^^ I didn't even do no-stirrup work, which I should have. I just put him up. I was happy. And the funny thing was... I am SO out of shape, that that little mini-course made my calves BURN. I was so hot, that the sun was just starting to go down and I spent the majority of that lesson in JUST my t-shirt and thin sweatshirt, with my down coat up at the barn. Yeah. It was 38 degrees when we got back up to the barn. THAT, my friends, is being out of shape. At least for me. If I'd been in shape, that would have hardly been a workout for me at all. But, I'm so happy with Dakota, I don't care. :P
Kimby is buying Chevy tomorrow!!!! [EDIT: technically today, but I wrote this yesterday, sooo yeah.] Jamie and I have been telling Kimberly NOT TO DO IT! NONONONONO! We told her to even lease Rooster and go for him, instead of Chevy! This horse has a history of bad stomach ulcers, and needs to be ridden every single day to stay sane. If someone else rides him, he tries to kill them. You have to ride him at least three days in a row for him to get used to you, so he won't absolutely go nuts. But, she went against what we said, and is going for it anyway. Jamie got kind of screwed over buying Spot from Kim, even though she loves him. We just hated to see Kimby make a mistake this big. We didn't want her to get screwed over as well, but she has become blinded by love. -sigh- So, I don't think Jamie has been notified that this sale is going on, and I don't think I am going to be the one to tell her. That will be a sight to see, Jamie's reaction. I stormed off and gave Kimberly the silent treatment for a few minutes when she told me today!!! But, she wanted me to be at the barn tomorrow at two [since I'm not "in" school and all] while the vet was there, checking him out. I had a little chat with Chevy also, telling him he'd better prove Jamie and me wrong! I love Kimby, and don't want her to get bitter about buying a horse from Kim the way Jamie did. And even though Jamie loves Spot to death, she still kind of wishes she hadn't bought him, or gotten attached to him. He is an absolute phsycopath. Spot, that is. And Chevy has major potential to become one. So, for Kimberly's sake... Chevy better exceed EVERYONE's expectations. And, even though I don't want her to buy him, I'm going to be there tomorrow at two, since she wanted me there. I'll see if she wants to ride with me, for the first time as an owner. :P That might make up the silent treatment I gave her today. haha.
Well... until next post, God Bless!
Written by Tina at 9:05 PM 0 pretty notes
Sunday, February 10, 2008
When did everyone get so tall?
Hmm... I thought this picture of Jessie went along with my title quite well. :P Jessie & Angel were lounging around at the bottom of the stairs, and I couldn't resist running to get my camera and taking a few pictures leaning over the rail. ANYWAYS. There are more than several things I want to share, so I'd best get on with it.
Last night was the ORU homecoming basketball game. My dad graduated twice from there, so of course we had to stay after the game and wander around the court for the reception. [I was supposed to follow my dad around like a lost puppy and "make him look good." haha.] And for some reason, last night I was suddenly struck with how TALL everyone seems to be. Walking through the crowds at the reception, my dad and I were both dwarfed by pretty much everyone. It was really crowded for the most part, and at one point I started to turn around, and almost smacked face-first into Coach Sutton. Or, the bottom of Coach's tie. That man is TALL! I mean, I always knew he was tall. He had to be. But there's a difference between knowing a man is tall, and standing next to the tall guy with your head leaned back all the way just to look at his face. My forehead hit his ELBOW. And to satisfy my curiosity, I just looked up the men's team stats. Only one of them, Robert Jarvis [my second favorite player] is under 6 feet tall, at five eleven to be exact. And he would still dwarf me, even though he looks like a midget on the court compared to Yemi Ogunoye [my favorite player] at six foot NINE, and Shawn King at six foot ELEVEN. Shawn King can step over chairs. Whole chairs. With just a step. Now those are LONG legs. And one poor guy on the other team last night had to take two and a half steps for every one of Ogunoye's. And Ogunoye was almost running in slow motion. Man, I felt SHORT. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being short. Not at all. I just feel frustrated sometimes when I'm in the middle of a crowd of people so tall, I get tripped on like a Chiuaua, because they don't see me. haha. Just thought that might be a fun story, since I've been ranting a bit much lately.
Also, two nights ago my mom and I went to Mardels, a Christian store type thing. I want to say bookstore, but there's tons more stuff than just books. But, the books were what my mom and I were gravitating towards. There were TONS of sales going on. The book lover in me nearly fainted at how cheap these things were! I bought a hardback daily devotional for 5 bucks. It's original price was 15. heehee. I also bought two Christian romance paperback anthologies for 3 bucks each. Original price 7! And we got a Ted Dekker book [Showdown, I think it was] for really cheap, and my mom bought a book for her secret sis [a secred gift exchange thing at our church. You don't know who's giving you your gifts till the end of the year, you draw names for the next year, and so on] and a book she needed to read for the church's book club. You should have seen how many historical fictions [romance, of course. Haha. Yup, Grandma Pat got me hooked. No way around it.] were on sale for dirt cheap. I love book sales. I almost swooned. But I restrained myself, and only got the two anthologies and one devotional. But I did write down the books & authors of the books I didn't buy. heehee.
Also, please pray for my great grandma. I call her Mamaw. She's been in the hospital with sky-high blood pressure and fluid on her lungs. She's 92, and time just isn't on her side. I think she's well aware of that. She's been in the hospital before, but not for fluid on the lungs. Also, something about part of a muscle in her heart is so large they're afraid it might block some blood flow. Mamaw hates hospitals. She dislikes doctors. And now she isn't really eating anything at all, we think because she's afraid she's going to choke on the food. [She's started to cough up some of the liquid on her lungs, and that scares her. Having grown out of my asthma, but still having some vivid memories of not being able to breathe... I can't say I blame her. But still, she needs food.] So.. yeah. They told her she'd be able to go home a few days ago, and I think she's home now. [I say think, because my mother isn't exactly a fount of information. I'm not always in the loop.] But my grandma [yes, the one that was onstage. :P] has been staying in the hospital room practically 24/7, and is now staying at Mamaw's apartment with her practically 24/7. And Mamaw starts to get cranky. Like, temper tantrums a two year old would be proud of. So, please pray for Grandma Low and my Mamaw. Both of them need rest and peace. And I want to say how thankful I am for all of you Haygood MBers. For all the prayers. I like the fact that we can all pray for each other. You're all still in my prayers as well.
And... I've GOT to end this on a good note. So, I'll give you the scripture and little prayer at the end of my short devotional message from this morning.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. -Ecclesiastes 3:11.
Lord Jesus, help me see myself as You do: beautifully made according to your divine design. Forgive me for comparing myself to others and wishing I were different. Starting today, let me not only accept my own appearance but also accept others exactly as they are, knowing that they, too, were created in your image.
Since I know the majority of you that read my blog are female, I thought this might be uplifting. Women and girls all struggle with this so much, appearances. Looking as thin as a stick. I was watching TV one day, and a commercial for the next day's Dr. Phil came on. It was an anorexic girl, and you could practically see all her bones. Her skin was purpleish, and her face was so sunken she looked already dead. She was crying to her mom. You know what she told her mom? The reason why she was crying? She thought Dr. Phil would think she was fat. FAT! It was sad.
Well, that didn't end on the greatest note after all. haha. But, scroll down a bit and watch my Reba & Kelly video. That should make you smile. :D God bless!
Written by Tina at 1:10 PM 0 pretty notes
Saturday, February 9, 2008
More Reba & Kelly!
I might have a "real" post out later this weekend. I dunno. But, until next post, God Bless! Tina
Written by Tina at 5:02 PM 2 pretty notes
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
So much stuff...
Written by Tina at 3:32 PM 3 pretty notes
Reba & Kelly!!!
Written by Tina at 3:06 PM 1 pretty notes