Okay. I feel like being random. I was thinking about my dad's side of the family, and remembered the convo-ish [not really a full conversation, but whatever] I had with Poppy [my grandpa.] It made me smile. Let me just start off by saying he LOVES crosswords. Loves them. There are several thick crossword puzzle books always scattered [neatly, of course. haha] across their house. And, this convo happened this past Christmas, when we went up to Springfield for... Christmas. haha.
#1 Convo
We walk in the door, fresh from our 4 hour drive, luggage in hand:
Poppy: Looks up at us, then looks at me. "Hey, who wrote Ivanhoe?"
Me: Looked at him, thought for about 3-4 seconds, "Sir Walter Scott."
Poppy: Looks down at his crossword puzzle, "Scott. Thank you."
No "Hi," or "How ya doing?" Just... who wrote Ivanhoe?
The MOST random book in the world. And for some strange, odd reason... I knew who wrote it. haha. My Grandma Pat had been looking through all their books trying to find the answer, though I don't know how that would have worked, seeing as they don't own Ivanhoe.
#2 Convo
ANY conversation that involves Kate & I & Harry Potter, especially when others are listening, and can't keep up. Hahaha. It's great. Kate had so many theories before DH I didn't know how she kept them from getting all jumbled up. She was right about the locket [which I had forgotten ALLL about] but Hagrid didn't die. However, the piano keys/grandfather clock thing was a great foundation for your theory, Kate. ;)
#3 Convo
I wasn't really IN the conversation... but I was there. Sort of an insider. ;)
We were at the barn, and I had just opened a bale of hay. Kate had been playing with the baling wire, so I handed the wire to her...
Kate: Yay! More wire to sculpt my imagination with!
Jeff: ............or your dirty fantasies.
Kate: Hey! I had NO CONTROL over that! It just happened!
And Jamie, Jeff, Kate & I sat there laughing for a good 2-3 minutes... hahaha.
#4 Convo [on facebook, of course]
Kate: He IS an epileptic freak, but he's MY epileptic freak.
Tina: And now he's an epileptic freak that made you get stitches. oh, wait... he's YOUR epileptic freak that made you get stitches, right? [As if it makes a difference!]
Kate: You know it Tina Fey! And I would like to point out that in this picture it looks like he's running out, but nope, he jumped it sideways. That has to take some measure of talent, right?
Tina: Of course, love. :)
Kate: :D
Favorite Kim sayings:
1. Maybe if your horse had picked up his left lead, he could have actually won a few races.
2. [Speaking of Kate, & I agree] She loves that THING [speaking of Rocky] like a beaten woman loves an abusive husband! [But I know Rocky is YOUR abusive husband-like figure, Kate. ;) ]
#5 Convo
Mom: [to Jamie] So, do your parents want you guys to wait until you graduate to get married?
Jamie: Yeah. Dunno if that will happen, though.
Kate: [to me] I love how they're talking about weddings... and we don't have boyfriends.
Me: No, we get to drool over celebrities. Jamie has Tyler, and we have Jim Sturgess!
Kate: Yes!
Oh... and the whole 2 hr. ride home in Kim's truck after the Gallery Farm show.
"WHO would name their farm B?!?! B! B!B!B! Not B-E! Just B! B!B!B! BBBBB!" -Kimberly
"I wanna have a pink truck, and live in Pink, Oklahoma!" - Kimberly
Nikky: "I feel like axe men are going to jump out of the ditches."
Me: "Why? Oh, because we're on Cemetary Road in Slaughterville?"
And... we failed miserably at doing a 4th grader's history homework.
Haha. So, yes. Hope you enjoyed, or got a chuckle out of something...
God bless!