Friday, July 11, 2008

Randomness: Saint Swithin's Day!

Hahaha. Soooo, yeah. We got my Mamaw [Great Grandma] into Grace! It's a really nice nursing home. We thought we'd have to sedate and hogtie her to get her to go, but amazingly she went willingly! haha. So, that is a PTL!! And I promise the nursing home thing is somewhat related to the randomness title!
I've updated my Eye Candy! [finally. haha.]
"Me on the Internet" links [added Twitter, fixed eye candy archive link]
I made my Twitter profile all purdyful [see icon to the right, and tile it in your minds]
I made a UStream account. :)
I have TONS of things to tell you!!! :D
First off: My randomness! My mother and I, being the chronic bookworms [and nerds. I admit it. :P] we are, found the COOLEST book! When my mom was cleaning out my Mamaw's apartment after she moved into Grace [she's been there a week TODAY, actually], she saw a dictionary. But not just any dictionary. It is "Funk & Wagnalls New Practical Standard Dictionary."
And, while we were looking up random words [and being generally nerdy], I found SAINT SWITHIN'S DAY! haha. It is "July 15, the day that commemorates a former parton saint of Winchester Cathedral, England, andn on which day rain is said to foretell wet weather for the following 40 days. Also SAINT SWITHUN'S."
Hmm. Well, I won't bore you any more with random dictionary words that I think are cool. haha. I have something waaay more exciting: THE TWILIGHT SAGA!
The MuggleCasters [of the MuggleCast podcast, associated with MuggleNet and Harry Potter] have now branched into the IMPRINTERS! Haha. YES! That is RIGHT! FOUR of the MuggleCasters are now the Imprinters of Imprint: A Twilight Podcast. They only have one episode out right now, but there will be a new one out every other week. [As opposed to the weekly MuggleCast episodes.] The hosts are Andrew Sims [of course!], Matt Britton [sp?], Laura Thompson, and Elysa [sp? ack! also forgot last name.] I'm listening to MuggleCast as I type, and I fell asleep listening to Imprint last night.
Sooo... I'll update soon with all my amusing things that I haven't talked about in pretty much forever. :) 'Till next post!