Thursday, August 28, 2008
Gregorian Chants & The New Indoor!
Written by Tina at 12:35 PM 1 pretty notes
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Place of Faith
I need to be already thanking God that everything will work out with Dakota in the end. I need to be celebrating the fact that this problem is fixable, that we didn’t catch it too late. In fact, I should be thanking God that we caught it so early, surgery isn’t needed. I need to be in a place of faith.
By the way… have any of you ever tried to eat with a peel-off face mask on? Yeah. Its kind of hard. Haha. Sorry, random. =] Oh, and if you're wondering about the picture... its me with the tiara I made at the Barnes & Noble Breaking Dawn release party. ^_^ Heehee. I'm special. I know.
Thank you, God, for already resolving this lameness issue!
Written by Tina at 10:01 AM 1 pretty notes
Monday, August 25, 2008
First ORU Class..
I have a great blend of experienced riders and total beginners. It makes it nice. As you can tell, I am now in a better mood than when I was writing my last post. ^_^
Written by Tina at 11:13 PM 0 pretty notes
Florida, Come Back to Me [A Whiny Post with Unreasonable Complaints]
10. Blowing Paper:"At any moment it could whip up into our faces, covering our noses. We could suffocate. And don't try to tell us you'd do CPR."
9. Barking Dogs:"What? You've never read Steven King's CUJO?"
8. Puddles of Water:"Quicksand."
7. Trash Cans:"They've been known to swallow horses and transport them into another dimension."
6. Babies and Li'l Kids:"Long lost tribe of horse-eating pygmies."
5. Plaid Horse Blankets:"Hey, when was the last time you wore plaid? It adds 100 lbs."
4. Ropes and Hoses on the Ground:"Dreaded North American Trail Snakes."
3. Ponies:"Cute, cleaver, hardy. They want to take over the world."
2. Windy Days:"Two Words: impending tornado."
1. Carts and Wagons:"Look. You put a human on our backs, we can always buck them off. But hitching a horse to a wheeled object? It's just not right."
Written by Tina at 1:02 PM 0 pretty notes
Friday, August 22, 2008
Oh, the Irony!
I was in Mardels today, and they had t-shirts for sale for $5. So naturally, I looked through them. Normally, I have to get size smalls. Normally, smalls are either all bought up, or they didn't stock smalls to begin with.
Not Mardels. The one shirt I wanted the most was a junior's t-shirt, so I needed a large. Ironically... THE ONLY SIZE THEY HAD WAS A SMALL. Yep. If they had been normal shirts instead of juniors, I would have been thrilled. But, just my luck, I couldn't have fit in that shirt for $500.
1. When in doubt, run far, far away.
2. You can never have too many treats.
3. Passing gas in public is nothing to be ashamed of.
4. New shoes are an absolute necessity every 6 weeks.
5. Ignore cues. They're just a prompt to do more work.
6. Everyone loves a good, wet, slobbery kiss.
7. Never run when you can jog. Never jog when you can walk. And never walk when you can stand still.
8. Heaven is eating for at least 10 hours a day... and then sleeping the rest.
10. Eat plenty of roughage.
11. Great legs and a nice rear will get you anywhere. Big, brown eyes help too.
12. When you want your way, stomp hard on the nearest foot.
13. In times of crisis, take a poop.
14. Act dumb when faced with a task you don't want to do.
15. Follow the herd. That way, you can't be singled out to take the blame.
16. A swift kick in the butt will get anyone's attention.
17. Love those who love you back, especially if they have something good to eat.
Written by Tina at 6:17 PM 2 pretty notes
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Good Mood!
Oh, wow. A good ride [or two] will always do amazing things for my mood. I was actually getting slightly depressed not being able to do anything with Dakota while he was injured. I pretty much turned into a recluse at the barn because I couldn't do anything.
Today I got to ride Truck AND Dakota. =]
Man, Dakota was a workout. Dressage, baby! haha. His walk was horrendus until about 45 minutes of work on it. Now he can stretch his nose to his toes [haha! Intentional rhyme. =P] for about three strides at a time, and he's reaching and getting off his forehand while being forward at the same time! w00t!
I've probably lost 95% of you completely by now, so I'll stop. ^_^ heehee.
Written by Tina at 7:08 PM 1 pretty notes
Friday, August 15, 2008
Going out on a limb...
Written by Tina at 10:11 AM 0 pretty notes
Thursday, August 14, 2008
HECK YES! [Nerd Moment!]
Written by Tina at 11:42 AM 1 pretty notes
Monday, August 11, 2008
Half-Blood Prince Trailer! - Gambon Redeeming Himself?
Give me YOUR thoughts on the teaser trailer!!! ^_^ I want to hear them!
Written by Tina at 9:46 AM 1 pretty notes
Friday, August 8, 2008
Must-Hear Podcasts!
And he almost literally has MILLIONS of sermons to choose from. A [I think] 15-part study of Acts, and millions of other Sunday morning or Wednesday evening sermons. Great, great, great.
Dr. Walter Veith's podcast. Sadly, he only has one podcast. It is rather long, I know. I also know I've made posts about Walter Veith before. He is my scientific hero! The title of this podcast is Stand Up for Jesus.
Joel Osteen has a podcast as well. My mom absolutely loves him. I have a few issues with him personally. HOWEVER - if you need a good "pick me up," listen to one of his sermons. [I personally like a good convicting sermon every now and then, and one that challenges me... so far I haven't heard one from Joel yet. But I do like to listen to him when I'm not feeling the best. ^_^] Some of my favorites of his:
Creation Studies Institute's Creation Studies podcast. I don't know about you, but I LOVE this stuff. This is pretty much just an Apologetics podcast. They also have pretty much a MILLION podcasts as well... Choose the subjects you're interested in! The great thing is... these are only a few minutes long!!!] Here's my favorites:
Till my next post, God bless! =]
P.S. - Of course, the best podcast of all... you guys already watch, so that is why I didn't add it to my list. ;) The Haygoods Podcast, of course!!! ^_^
Written by Tina at 12:59 PM 1 pretty notes
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Some Changes & Updates!
Written by Tina at 1:56 PM 1 pretty notes
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What People Will Go Through...
Wow. Haha. I was reading yesterday on the Chronicle of the Horse forum and was browsing through the replies to "Funny, Mean, or a Combination of Both Quotes." Right now I am still laughing at the funny ones, but marveling [sp??] at the mean ones. People were talking about some clinicians calling them fat, stupid, and horrible riders. An especially infamous clinician [He is hunter jumper or something, I can't imagine an eventing clinician being this harsh - loyal to my sport. ^_^] He is a BNT... Big Name Trainer. There were several stories people were telling that I wasn't sure whether to cringe or laugh at. His name is George Morris... I'll just say GM.
One girl was sitting on her horse, listening to GM, and she yawned. He THREW DIRT IN HER MOUTH, and said, "Are you yawning while I am talking? You aren't a good enough rider to yawn. I can yawn, because I am better than you [big name rider here] can yawn, because she can ride better than you. You, not so much."
*cough* Yeah. I would have left, no matter how much money I'd paid... I didn't pay to be abused, I paid to be instructed....
Another girl was sitting on her horse listening to GM, and she looked down on her shirt and picked something off of it [a fuzzball or piece of hay or something] and GM MADE HER GET OFF HER HORSE AND ROLL IN THE DIRT because she was cleaner than her horse, and still picking things off her shirt. Don't ask me how he made her. I am a very quiet person when around people I don't know, which would include clinicians. But I would have been like... "No. You're being paid big money to teach me how to ride, not to tell me to roll in the mud."
One time GM made someone mad [though this time it was really a legitimate complaint that GM had... don't wanna go through the whole story] and the guy was like, "That is so rude! You're just being mean!" And... GM turns to the clinic auditors and deadpans: "But that's what I'm known for, isn't it?" and continued on with the clinic/lesson. hahaha. THAT one made me laugh. =P Because that time the guy deserved it. The other ones, not so much.
All this to say... I admire Jim Graham a lot more now. He yelled at me a TON at his clinic [so much so that my trainer's daughter asked me if I was nervous, then asked me why I hadn't been, because "He yelled at you... A LOT!" Of course, I got to tell her about my scary Russian coach for my figure skating power classes about five years back... I learned to take yelling early on, I guess. ;) haha.] but he would always say a little bit later, "You know I'm not mad at you, right?" Course, he DID get mad at me once... "GET YOUR HORSE IN THE BLOODY WATER!" were his EXACT words, I believe.... haha. But then he was like, "Okay, THAT time I was mad... but that's in the past now. Now I'm just yelling because I feel like it, not because I'm still mad at you." ^_^ Yeah... I'm going to stick with my nice, if a bit gruff, eventing clinicians that my trainer knows. I still want to ride with Laurena Bell...
And I know I've lost most of you by now, so I'll stop. =] haha.
Written by Tina at 12:22 PM 0 pretty notes
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Prayer
Thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Thank you for my loving parents, my home, and my animals. Thank you for my many friends, whether I see them in person or we talk over the internet. I thank you for my health and my intelligence.
Forgive me for my mistakes. I know I don't deserve it, but if your grace was all you ever gave me, it would be enough.
I pray that every day I will walk in Your path. Please help me to not stray from it. Please show me Your purpose for my life. I also pray that I will always know the difference between presumption and faith, and can act on my faith instead of presumption. I want to make a difference in this world for you. As I walk down hallways I want to see people saved and healed. When I pray for believers and nonbelievers alike, I want to see those prayers answered so I can be a witness for You.
You are an awesome God. Let me hear your voice to guide me throughout the day.
I was just thinking earlier... During my 'quiet times' I often forget what I should be praying for. Of course, I don't speak like this - I'm better at writing than speaking, so this probably sounds awful formal. Notice the absence of "amen..." I consciously left that out, to hopefully remind myself to "pray without ceasing" during the day.
And I don't by any means want to tell you how to pray your prayers... but I just want to explain the first paragraph of mine, and my reasons for it. My old youth pastor had a sermon one time on how to pray, since so many people seem slightly confused about it. Of course, there is nothing wrong with any kind of prayer, but... yeah. [Kind of lost the tail end of that sentence, there. Forgot where I was going with it. So much for writing better than speaking! haha.] He talked about the quickest way to feel God's presence. Well... what he said, was thanking God was one of the fastest ways he would ever feel the Lord's presence when he was praying. [Prayers don't have to be formulas... but I've experienced this myself... it does work!] He said that if you can't think of what to be thankful for... just find anything. Thank Him for your big toe, for your eye color, for being able to breathe. And then, asking for forgiveness [my tiny paragraph is rather vague there, because it changes from prayer to prayer] is the best way to bring down further walls between yourself and God. I don't want to preach on my little blog, so I'll stop there. =]
God bless!
Written by Tina at 12:23 PM 0 pretty notes
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Jokes & Arlington
Okay. I know I haven't been posting at all lately. So, I'm going to give you two cute little jokes I've heard at church from the past few weeks, and put up the video I finally made of my Arlington Cemetary pictures.
This first joke was in a skit that some of the kids did one sunday morning. One boy got stuck in a box, labeled "SIN." Various other children walked by, trying to help him get out. One of the kids said this:
"You're in sin!
Sin is of the devil.
Take off the "D" and you've got EVIL. The devil & sin are evil.
Take off the "E" and you've got VIL. Sin is vil. [He pronounced it "vile."]
Take off the "V" and you've got IL. You make me ill! [haha. For being stuck in the box.]
Take off the "I" and you've got L. IF YOU STAY IN SIN YOU'RE GOING TO L!!!!
hahaha. So that kid walks off & the boy still stuck in the box says, "Great. Now, I'm stuck in a box, getting bored, and I'm going to L."
Hopefully that got a chuckle out of some of you. And this next one isn't really a joke, but its cute and really powerful when you think of it. "Out of the mouths of babes," they say...
A little girl looked at her mom after church one day. She said, "Mommy, the pastor's sermon was really confusing today." The mom looked at her child and asked,
"What was confusing?"
"The pastor said that God is much bigger than we are. Is that true?"
"He also said that God lives inside us. Is that true, too?"
"Yes, sweetie, it is."
"Well, if he is bigger than us, but lives inside of us................. wouldn't he show through?"
Ahh. Sometimes kids are a lot smarter than the rest of us.
Until my next post, God bless!!
Written by Tina at 2:59 PM 0 pretty notes