Monday, September 29, 2008

Worldview Test - Take It!

Your score is: 128 points of 168 possible, 76%
Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker

Scoring/Ratings Chart

Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker 75% - 100%
Moderate Biblical Worldview Thinker 50% - 74%
Secular Humanist Worldview Thinker 25% - 49%
Socialist Worldview Thinker 0% - 24%
Communist/Marxist/Socialist/Secular Humanist Worldview Thinker under 0%

Now... I've grown up in a small [200 students for the whole school. Grade & high school. Not whole class or grade.] pivate Christian school for eight years. My highschool freshman year I went to a slightly larger [about 400 in the high school, dunno the lower grades] but still small private Christian school. I grew up in the church that is the founder of the school I went to first, and it was the church my mom went to as a child. I've had 17 years of Biblical worldview taught to me. Which is good. I'm not complaining in the least! Just saying why I believe I got the results I've gotten. And, I really believe the answers that I gave on the test. I do. I could have just given the "Biblically correct" answers [instead of "politically correct." hah.] and gotten an even higher score, if I'd tried to think about it harder.
And I should have gotten higher, actually. Two points higher. One question was about believing that only federally licensed teachers should instruct children in an educational setting. I put "strongly agree." It totally skipped my mind that the test people would count things such as Sunday school an educational setting. So, I probably would have answered different on that if I'd thought about it. But, I got a 100% in the Science and Family sections.

Take it and see what you get!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Duuuuude. I'm famous!

Hahaha. Heck YES! I got two copies of Clinton Anderson's Downunder Horsemanship, No Worries Club Journal. I'M IN IT! Isn't that awesome? One copy was even SIGNED by CLINTON! I was interviewed a few months ago by a Downunder Horsemanship lady, all because I'm an english rider using Clinton methods. And they have several purdy pictures of me in there, too!
Since it is highly doubtful that you can get your hands on a copy of a magazine only available to No Worries Club members... I scanned the pages of the article for you! is the link to the webshots album. Its a public album, so hopefully you don't have to be logged in to see it! is the link to my facebook album, with better captions.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Books = Awesomeness

So. My mom's friend's mother-in-law died a few weeks ago. Which is sad, but she had a TON of books. My mom's friend [another Kim that I know, actually] invited Kate & I over to search through the books! We took away at least 50 lbs of books! We thought we looked like we had robbed a bookstore. Hahaha.
My mom got 25+ books. I think I counted 20+ for me... Kate got around 18+ ish. Kate & I also made a vlog about it, but I haven't gotten around to editing it yet. The book that was the BEST was the "The Sinatra Treasures" book! It's bigger than my AP US History book! Huge! It has a CD with songs, interviews & other fun stuff on it that came on the inside of the front cover. And all throughout the book there's little extra tidbits that can be taken OUT of the pages! Like two Presidential Inaugural Gala programs, an Ocean's 11 movie poster, and toooons of other fun stuffs. I LOVE Sinatra. ^_^
Well... this is a miracle. I don't really have anything else to say, even though lots has been going on. hahaha.
'Till next post, God bless!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tee-Kay... AKA.. Kate & I being stupid.

Hahahahaha. Yesssss. So, Kate and I started a vlog. Because I have a webcam in my new laptop. Subscribe, rate it, and add it to your favorites! ^_^

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Five Love Languages

Caption: Cute pic of my grandpa & me on Father's Day. Haha. Yesss. Now, Father's Day = Branson Trip = Haygoods. Oh, it also means we get to see family, I guess. :P haha.

Anyways. Forever ago, my parents led a small group at church on the Five Love Languages. I was about ten, so I didn't really care. But, the other day I was at Barnes & Noble and I saw "The Five Love Languages of Teenagers" over in the Religious section. Of course, it was a book for parents but I skimmed through it anyways. Then I got to thinking... what is MY love language? You would think I would know, right? But, I'm a perfectionist, and so I got to thinking, maybe its this, but no, I also like this, and this. Maybe this is more me? So, I googled the test. Here are my results, in case any of you would like to know:

Words of Affirmation: 10
Quality Time: 8
Receiving Gifts: 8
Acts of Service: 2
Physical Touch: 2

Your highest score indicates your primary love language. Your second highest score indicates your secondary love language. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary love languages). If the scores of your primary language and your secondary language are close (for example, 10 and 9 respectively), it indicates both are important to you. Whatever your spouse does to express love in either of these languages will get emotional points with you. The highest score for any one love language is 12.
Having a clear picture of your primary and secondary love languages will explain much of your past behavior. Think back over the past and ask yourself, "What have I most often requested from my spouse?" Chances are your answer will lie within the scope of your primary and secondary love languages. You have been requesting that which would meet your deepest need for emotional love. Your requests, however, might have come across as nagging or criticizing and thus driven your spouse away.

Of course... this test is the original test, which is geared towards married people. Obviously, I am not married. :P But the love languages thing really helps to understand everyone, friends and loved ones other than those who you are married to. Sooo... take the test! =] I wanna see what your love language is!! []

'Till next post, God bless!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mamma Mia! [Money Money Money]

Sooo... a few days ago I saw Mamma Mia with my mom and grandma. A few years ago we saw the play when it came to town, so of course we had to see the movie. All I can say is, some of the voices were actually better, but... poor Pierce Brosnan! I mean, I like his voice, but it isn't suited for a musical-movie type thing. And... I'm not gonna lie. Sky was kinda hot. =] Not DANG!HOT! but definately hot. hahahaha. Sorry, had to stick that in. ^_^
It was really good. The casting was amazing. I LOVE COLIN FIRTH! haha. I LOVE him. Especially in the BBC Pride & Prejudice movies and "What a Girl Wants." Apparently he is in another Disney movie... I saw him on some TV movie that I'd never heard of as I was flipping through channels. I also love Pierce Brosnan. My favorite movie of his, though, has been and always will be the remake of "The Thomas Crown Affair." Streep as Donna was GREAT too! I loved her [Donna's] friends too, they were absolutely hilarious!

So, of course, my mother has to go and buy the soundtrack CD. And we listen to it on the way home. I CANNOT get "Money Money Money" out of my head! Although, I do sympathise with the lyrics... Money money money, must be funny, in a rich man's world. Money money money, money money money, its a rich man's world... Everything is so expensive now. If I didn't need money, I wouldn't be feeding every morning. [Which I just got back from doing, btw.]

CRUEL!! My mom just walked in and told me we're going to Branson the 19th. I got excited at first, but then I had to grab my planner with my heart pounding. When I looked, it was just as I feared... I HAVE A SHOW SCHEDULED THAT WEEKEND!
You know what my mother told me? You wanna know?
I have to choose between the show or the Haygoods. How cruel is THAT?!

*sigh* Just my luck.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Heehee. YAAAY! I finally got my new computer! -pets computer- My precioussssss. Just kidding. ^_^ It is a Dell inspiron. And its GREEN! Kind of an ice/sea green to be exact. Have you ever seen those ice green small SUVs? Well, this is that color, only a tad more saturated. =] I. Am. Happy! Oh, and I included a recently uploaded pic that was just transferred from my old laptop to my new. =] Isn't it cute? Its my dad's parents. I took it at the Grand Country shopping center thing in Branson. Lucky that they live so close to Branson.

It is taking me 17 blank CDs to back up my iTunes list to transfer it to my new computer. SEVENTEEN BLANK CDs!!! Wow. That's a lot. I feel special, actually. But its better than uploading allll the individual songs again, plus the 20+ albums I put on there individually. Hope dad doesn't miss 17 of his blank CDs from our stash. =P Hahaha. Oh well. He hasn't actually looked at the blank CDs for over two years. Then again, it will be just my luck that he'll take notice tonight or tomorrow night. But he'll get over it.

Also, guess what? My books for school still haven't come in. Which is why I can take all this time during the day to set up my new computer! [My dad gave it to me last night.] Oh. And I'm gonna make me some money tonight! Jamie can't teach her 3 ORU classes tonight, so she asked me to sub for her. YESS! She has 3 classes with 5 people each in them. I have one class with 5 people. -That's SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS if everyone shows up! As opposed to my normal $2o-25 a week [depending on how many show up] from teaching. Of course, I make $15 every week day from feeding. But SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS for THREE hours of work... haha. EXCITEMENT!!! :D

So, I shall wallow in my newfound technological love and dream of all the students I get to teach tonight, at $5 a student. =] 'Till next post, God bless!


P.S. Haha. After all the rain we've had, everything was EXTREMELY muddy. I found out the hard way that if you ever want to go mudding, DO NOT take a 4-wheeler made for farm work. Taking the hay out and turning the horses out I almost got stuck in the wet sand and mud numerous times. I was so stuck in the mud at one point I seriously thought I'd have to get out and push [and get muddy water in my shoes - yuck!]. So, moral of the story - use normal 4wheelers to go mudding with, NOT ranch work 4wheelers... unless you have a really good working 4wheeler...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Normalcy is Overrated Anyway.

So.. I was thinking today just how different I am from most of my friends. I got excited about finding a $5 Mozart CD because it had 50 whole songs on it for just $5! And I FINALLY found the Frank Sinatra CD I've been wanting for awhile now. I'm listening to it now. ^_^
Yesterday do you want to know what I got excited about? I got really excited about finding a new classic to read! "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift. It's a "Barnes & Noble Classics Edition" book. The last book I bought from B&N was "Wuthering Heights." I was tempted to buy a very pretty book with all the Grimm tales in it. It was as pretty as my Jane Austen all-7-in-one book! Golden-edged pages, leather binding and all!
You know what I just thought? The most unlikely pair would be Sinatra and Reba McEntire, but if Sinatra was still alive... they should do a duet together. Since Reba is so big on duets. I would buy a whole CD just for a song with them singing together. haha. That basically is a representation of my musical tastes. Sinatra & Reba. I also had fun listening to a local radio station's "Retro Pop Reunion Weekend" that was playing 80's for Memorial weekend. That was fun.
And one of the other reason's why I was thinking about this is because I was uploading a bunch of pics to facebook yesterday, among which were my Breaking Dawn book release party pics. Kate, Kimberly, Grace and I were at B&N till past midnight, at a party full of people there waiting for a book to be sold. It was awesome! Everyone in the store cheered when the first girl bought her book. =]
Haha. I was also telling my dad about how I was one of the few 17 year olds I know of that keeps latex gloves & iodine handy, just in case I need to stick my finger in a wound or clean one out.

But yes... I do have something a bit more serious on my mind lately. Lately I've been trying to find, as my mom puts it, that "happy medium" between standing up for myself and being a positive, kind, forgiving example of a Christian for some certain people in my life lately. A few weeks ago during youth one Wednesday night Adam prayed for the youth, that we would have a burden for souls. He defined having a burden for souls as "losing sleep over the unsaved." I have seriously been losing some sleep thinking about a few people in my life. It just so happens that one or two of those people just love to walk all over me and take advantage of my quiet nature. I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a pushover. Lately I've been learning how to speak up for myself and actually argue back, but sometimes I feel that it is doing more harm than good. I was talking to my mom, then my dad about it.... and its just hard. So, pray for me that I can do the right thing in that respect.

Respect is a good word. I've been working on being more respectful to others, and trying to let them see my self-respect more. I haven't been the greatest at showing that. But, this will be a whole other blog topic. So, 'till next post, God bless!
