Hahaha. Sorry about the previous post. I was still majorly fangirling. I still am, actually. However, I'm just itching to give an in-depth, totally too long review. I'm going to start with the best part.
Favorite Scenes.
Okay. The Port Angeles scene. It was really well done! I loved the girls trying on dresses. Jessica absolutely cracked me up! I loved her. She was much more likeable in the movie than the book. It works for the movie, but I'm glad that she is thoroughly un-likeable in the book. And the cleavage! Hahaha. In the prom scene where Bella is motioning to her chest, and Jessica mouths, "I know!!" it was a crowd pleaser. I definitely laughed.
And when Edward GROWLS?!?!?! Oh wow. I loved it! He looks so menacing and so very... Edward! Rob did an amazing job with his interpretation of Edward. I keep wanting to just type "Ed" because now we have a horse at my barn named Ed. But I can't. It just isn't Edward-like to shorten the name. Its like typing "Isabella" instead of Bella. It doesn't work.
But yes. I loved when she just about got attacked. Although, she didn't look like she was concentrating enough. One of my minor complaints that don't amount to anything.... essentially it didn't matter. But it was a little continuity thing with the book that you aren't going to get right no matter what. I loved the, "Get in the car," and the way he drove off! Now I want a shiny silver volvo. ;)
The Cullens and Hales. Oh my gosh. I'll admit it... I SCREAMED like a 13 year old fangirl when they came on screen for the first time! I believe it was Rosalie & Emmett first. I screamed. Then it was Alice & Jasper [who did very much look like he was in pain - I LOVED it!!!]. I screamed. Then it was Edward. I screamed. Louder. hahaha.
Like Kate, I slightly doubted Nikki Reed in the beginning. But no more. She was OUTSTANDING! And so was Kellan Lutz. I looooved Kellan. And I love Emmett. So, that was perfect. And Jasper was also pretty darn perfect. Jackson was awesome! And Ashley was an amazing Alice. I loved Alice.
And Edward. What can I say? hahaha. Superb.
I still laughed at the fieldtrip scene, even though that was one of the first spoiler scenes I saw. The "you can google it" comment still made me laugh, even though I watched that scene on youtube about 50 million times before I saw the movie.
I need to see it again. And Courney, a friend who didn't read the books but saw the TV spots and wanted to see the movie, said she would go with me. But no. She just texted me and said she just saw it and didn't invite me because it was spur of the moment. Um, hello. I'll go anywhere spur of the moment for Twilight! hahaha. Sorry. Tiny rant there. I'm not mad at her. I just like giving her a hard time. ;)
The soundtrack fit in PERFECTLY! I thought all the rock songs that were on the soundtrack might be slightly awkward in places, but they just pumped the audience up! It was fantastic! Supermassive Black Hole was my favorite. And the lullabye could have been explained even a little. It wasn't. But it was still good.
How Edward was watching Bella sleep, and she thought it was a dream??? I loved how they showed that! The fans, of course, knew he was actually watching her sleep, but the others might not have realized it really wasn't a dream. And then later on, in the "I just want to try one thing," scene [aka, the kiss scene], I loved how he was like, "Oh... I went through the window. Just like I have been for the past few months. 'Cuz I'm cool like that." haha. Not his exact words, but that was his attitude.
I need to see it again so I can refresh my memory! I'm so jealous of Kimberly, who's already gone to see it again with her older sister! Kate informed me of this little tidbit - she didn't want to be jealous alone. haha.
I loved James' jump and crouch into the poor man's boat. I agree with Matt from Imprint [a Twilight podcast, created by the Mugglecasters for HP], in the fact that I don't think they should have showed the nomads' faces until the baseball scene. However, they did need to be introduced earlier on than in the book so that the movie audience could understand everything a little bit better.
And I've already forgotten if I've mentioned this or not, but... I LOVE Peter Facinelli now! He played Carlisle Cullen. He was PERFECT! I loved his mannerisms, his demeanor, his voice, and his looks. They were all absolutely perfect for his role as Carlisle. I'll admit, when I saw pictures of him with his almost black hair right after they cast him, I was a little skeptical. But with the blonde hair and the pale makeup... OUTSTANDING! :D I am now in love with his acting skills.
I was also impressed with all their clothing choices with their low budget. Especially Bella's and the Cullens'/Hales'. Actually, everything was very nicely done with the low budget. I mean, the sparkling could have been a little more... natural [as natural as sparkling vampires can get], but they got the diamond-like quality there just right. The 'jumping' from tree to tree was very cheesy. But all in all... everything was quite awesome for such a low-budget movie.
I think I'm done now.
I promise.
I also promise I'll never say Oh my Edward [OME] ever again.