Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! [14 Days!]

So. Yes. In case you didn't catch the memo from the title or the countdown....


In the spelling of my bestie, Kate....
YUSS! Make that a HECK YUSSS! :D

Disclaimer for Post: Do not expect complete sentences, correct grammar, or any form of maturity. Because...

HBP comes out soon! w00-w00t! :D Yay. Twilight fans don't kill me if I'm more excited for HBP than Twilight & New Moon put together, because Twilight will always be my Harry Potter rebound series. Sorry guys. And Jo has a better writing style. But I still love Twilight. Just not as much as Harry. Dear, dear harry. :D

Come on, guys! Do your happy dance with me!!

*happy dance*


*happy dance*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Moon Trailer Analyzation

Okayy. So. I just couldn't resist. Had to put my two cents in. This post won't be any amazing tribute to grammar or structure or anything.. It's going to kind of jump around. And it is also going to have some over analyzation. So bear with me.
1. "Kiss me." Okay.. that eyebrow "come hither" thing isn't really Bella. At least I don't feel it is. And Edward is just kind of standing there like... "Do I know you?" BUT, once I started thinking about it, and once I listened to my latest Imprint podcast episode, I realized.. what if she suspects something is up and she's testing him? Its a good theory that I have to attribute to Imprint.
2. Bella is slightly more tan! [Plus!]
3. So is Edward. [Negative.]
4. Edward looks hot in a crisp navy button down & suit jacket.
5. I hope the custom grey pea coat comes back in at least one scene.
6. The rest of the Cullens/Hales look a bit less pale.
7. The birthday party scene was almost exactly how I imagined it, minus the overabundance of candles, and the cake that looks like a green striped stack of hat boxes.
8. The paper cut scene, and Jasper flying through the air, was AWESOME!
9. Poor Bella. :(
10. Dude. Taylor is BUFF!
11. Laurant is CRAZY scary. It's AWESOME! I LOVE it! [And he has some added facial hair.]
12. Favorite part of the trailer:
Bella: "JAKE RUN!!!" *throws herself at him*
Jacob: *BAM!* He morphs into this monster werewolf on steroids!
Even though they just effectively ruined the surprise for the movie-only fans, it was awesome. And they deserve it for not reading the books. *cough*Courtney!*cough* Hah. Like Courtney would ever take the time to READ this. I love her to death, but the girl would ONLY pick up a book to save her life. Maybe. Anyway, random tangent! Back to the trailer: I think I'm going to like Chris Weitz. The jury is still out on the overall sepia-like tone to the trailer. What happened to the gorgeous GREEN? I like green. Especially with all the trees. I mean, I expected the golden/sepia tone for the Italy section. But for Washington? I guess I'm not taking into account the La Push reservation. Maybe that's what the sepia thing is all about. Which would be good, since, you know, she goes to La Push to get away from everything.
13. I am SOOOOOOO fangirling about this!!! Kate called me and we squealed together. It was awesome. :)
14. Dramatic ending = perfect.

So... with the ups and downs...
Positives and negatives...
I think this trailer was a win overall! Two thumbs up. :]

Ohh, and apparently Kellan says that Rob's abs are REAL? Not airbrushed? Hmm..