Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lookitlookitlookit my BEAST! He's better again! Mostly. haha. He has a wound that he got several months ago that is still scabbing over & breaking open & scabbing over again. But I can live with that, and in the meantime, we can walk, trot AND CANTER! Awesomeness. We went and hacked out with Kimberly & Chase behind the barn property, on Target's property. haha. It was FANTASTIC! And very freeing. I got this huge rush of adrenaline and we weren't even cantering that fast, cause Kimby was working on her poppy stadium canter. haha. We were just special and extremely heavy on the forehand, but I didn't really care. I had all the boots I owned on Koda, splint boots & bell boots, just as a precaution. haha. I love the sound that bell boots make slapping against hooves! It's great.

So yeah. Anyway. About every three days the scab peels off and a new one forms again. So every three days I have to put my pink lady wound care stuff on it. Using my new purple latex gloves. haha. I feel special when I use them. Although they're from a bag, not a box, which is really, really annoying. haha. I am a lazy bum! But that's okay. I'm thinking next month the scab will be totally gone, and we can start jumping. w00t!!!! :D


Thursday, August 6, 2009


So. B90x. If you follow me on twitter, you've probably heard that I'm taking on B90x. It stands for "Bible in 90 days." I'm going to read the Bible in 90 days. I've actually just finished my day 4 reading, which was the end of Genesis. Tomorrow I start Exodus!
The reason I've started this, is because I saw that on Pastor Steven Furtick's twitter, he challanged himself and his staff to do this plan.

“B90X is a revolutionary system of intense, truth-absorbing, brain-busting Bible reading that will transform your understanding of Scripture from intro to nitro in just 90 days! Your personal trainer, Ruach “The Breath” Yahweh, will drag you through the most intense infusion of His vision that you have ever experienced and you won’t believe the results!”
I've decided... I'm going to actually finish it. haha. I've started reading the Bible all the way through, but I usually forget or lag behind by the fifth day. However, this thing is so intense there is no way I could ever forget it. Plus, on twitter, with the hashtag #B90x, I'm always reminded. And I write two days worth of scripture-reading deadlines on my full-length mirror with a dry-erase marker.

Here's the PDF file that is on Elevation Church's website that keeps me on track.

I'm bracing myself for some awesome Bible reading & revelation here. :) I'm also determined to not need the "grace days" that have been stuck at the end of the schedule, in case you miss a day or two. Nope. Not for me. ^_^

So... I'm in it to win it. And the fun thing is... everybody wins! Even if you only make it a third of the way, or halfway, or three-fourths of the way through... hey... You've just read that much more of the Bible, right? How about you? Are you in? Heck, if someone I actually know [not just random twitterers, which is awesome, but I don't really know them. haha.] does it with me, we'd both be just that much more accountable & able to finish the whole thing. But even if no one else does it, I'm committed to this thing! I might update on my readings weekly or something. Like on Sundays. That sounds like a good plan. :)

Till next post, God bless!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Not Normal. [I Hope You Aren't Either.]

Haha. How's that for a title. Anyways.... Ever since I got back from my 8 day trip with my youth group to North Carolina, I've been listening to Pastor Steven Furtick's sermons online. [, click on the "watch sermons online" button.] Furtick was the speaker for our first evening service. And besides being very easy on the eyes [all the females in the audience were having to concentrate very carefully on the message & God, and NOT bemoaning the fact that he was married with 2 children.] he had a GREAT sermon. :)
I also found him on twitter. I favorited this tweet: "Now that was fun. I might never preach to non Pentecostals again. They screamed for me to keep preaching about 40 mins into the msg."
Yeahh buddy. :P Wow. I just stole that from Courtney. I will never do that again. Sorry Courtney, I love ya, but... I don't need another "dude" situation on my hands. [I love you too, Kate. ^_^]
Anyway. Besides the fact that PH kids are some of the most fun kids around [myself included], Furtick's sermon really was good enough that I wish he had kept going a little bit longer. It was on throwing Jonah out of your boat. You know, the sailors would have died if they hadn't eventually thrown Jonah out of their boat. So whether what's keeping you in the storm is a habit, secret, or relationship, you need to throw it out and give it to God. Yadda yadda yadda. It actually was pretty awesome. But I digress.

I've been listening to several more of his regular Sunday morning sermons. My favorite series so far is Cow Tipping [tipping over the church's sacred cows that no one wants to talk about]. But that's not even what I wanted to type about. You need to see cow tipping for yourself.
What I wanted to blog about was his Purple People Leader series. I've only watched the first sermon [writing this takes the place of watching the second, and I don't have time for anything else], and the title of that sermon is "You're Not Normal."

Anyway, he goes on to say that Christians shouldn't be just like everyone else. We're supposed to be different. Peculiar. Strange. Not normal. Unique. But, there's a fine line between being unique and being weird. When we cross that line to weird, then we aren't useful any more because people just think we're weird and won't take us seriously.
So... bottom line: You are special. NOT just like everyone else. God has a vision for your life. You need to be unique to fulfill it. When you are unique you are useful in the hands of God.
However... when you cross the line to weird... you're just.... weird.

That was my mini-stolen-sermon of the day. Yay!