Lookitlookitlookit my BEAST! He's better again! Mostly. haha. He has a wound that he got several months ago that is still scabbing over & breaking open & scabbing over again. But I can live with that, and in the meantime, we can walk, trot AND CANTER! Awesomeness. We went and hacked out with Kimberly & Chase behind the barn property, on Target's property. haha. It was FANTASTIC! And very freeing. I got this huge rush of adrenaline and we weren't even cantering that fast, cause Kimby was working on her poppy stadium canter. haha. We were just special and extremely heavy on the forehand, but I didn't really care. I had all the boots I owned on Koda, splint boots & bell boots, just as a precaution. haha. I love the sound that bell boots make slapping against hooves! It's great.
So yeah. Anyway. About every three days the scab peels off and a new one forms again. So every three days I have to put my pink lady wound care stuff on it. Using my new purple latex gloves. haha. I feel special when I use them. Although they're from a bag, not a box, which is really, really annoying. haha. I am a lazy bum! But that's okay. I'm thinking next month the scab will be totally gone, and we can start jumping. w00t!!!! :D