ahahaha. So.
Doctor Who. Season 5 finale. The Big Bang.
I think my head exploded from the epicness. And yes, epicness is a word.
Beware the spoilers! Even though we STILL have no clue WHO the heck River Song is. But I'm okay with that. For now.
The Big Bang is my favorite. Who. finale. ever. Ever. [Even better than the worst. rescue. ever!] I managed to find a live stream online and got to watch it at the same time everyone in the UK was! I felt special. And I was bouncing up and down on my bed with my laptop like a giddy schoolgirl through the whole thing, squee-ing and biting my hand [yes, I really did... not exaggerating!] because of the awesomeness. Expect to see LOTS of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey schtuff going on. And fezzes! [Is that how you spell the plural of a fez? Hope so. :P] Fezzes are cool. Like bowties!
So, the things that made this so FANTASTIC:
Rory came back in "The Pandorica Opens" as an auton, part of the Nestene Consciousness. The Doctor is tricked and locked into the Pandorica.Then.... Future Doctor gives past auton Rory his sonic screwdriver whilst wearing a fez and holding a mop. Past Doctor gets out of the Pandorica via auton Rory and puts mostly-dead [I geeked out at this & had Princess Bride moment] past Amy in the Pandorica instead to heal her from auton Rory's gunshot. Little Amelia touches the Pandorica, it opens, and out pops now-all-alive Amy in the present/past. Doctor now acquires fez and mop. He goes back and steals past-Amelia's drink to give to future-Amelia and leave past-Amelia a note. Future-future Doctor, sans fez, dies in front of Doctor with the fez. The TARDIS is exploding everywhere, and there are no more stars. Fez-Doctor rescues River Song from a time loop at the heart of the explosion, she shoots his fez with help from Amy. Then River Song kicks Dalek a** and what we thought was the dead future-future Doctor has wired the vortex manipulator to the Pandorica, transporting him and the box [MADMAN WITH A BOX! AHH!] to the middle of the explosion, healing the cracks in time, mostly.
*deep breath* The Doctor's life span starts to rewind. He mourns the fez, for a moment ["Eh, I can buy another fez," or something along those lines.], then realizes Amy can hear him but not see him. [Audience realizes there was an amusing space-beach adventure we missed out on.] He rewinds TO THE TIME OF THE ANGELS episode. I KNEWKNEWKNEW that the jacket-Doctor was from the finale episode. ^___^ Yay. Anyways, fangirling aside, he urges eyes-closed-because-of-the-weeping-angel-in-her-head-Amy to remember what he told her when she was seven. Then we rewind to when she was seven, and he tells her to remember his old, new, borrowed, blue box while she is asleep. He 'skips' the rest of the rewind, and goes to the other side of the void to completely seal the cracks. Future/Current/Alternate Amy wakes up on her wedding day, realizes she has parents, and Rory is scared of her. They have their wedding, go to the reception, River's journal is spoiler-free [AKA, empty], River walks by the window, Amy cries and tells her dad to shut up. Amy loudly tells the reception hall that she remembers her raggedy doctor, the TARDIS appears, and Matt Smith gives a whole new meaning to "The Doctor Dances." [I love references! Anyway.] River gives us more questions than answers, the Doctor unwittingly sort-of-proposes, and the newlyweds go off with the Doctor again making me squee with happiness because I think the Doctor should be done with companion-romances for now. I mean, River Song is bad enough. Rose was my ONLY Doctor ship. :P
And, wow.
That was the episode. Epic. Awesome. Mind blowing.
There were no slow parts to the episode, at least for me. I LOVED when the Doctor got ahold of River's vortex manipulator and kept popping in and out. I laughed the whole way through that. And of course, I loved the fez. Obviously.
What I also ADORED was Amy and Rory actually getting married! Eleven, Amy, and Rory are tied for my favorite trio along with Nine, Rose, and Jack. [Sorry, but Ten, Martha, and Jack wasn't anywhere close.] I may be a fangirl, but I'm ready for the Doctor to be done with companion romances. There's River, I know, but still. I LOVED Tennant for season 2 and whenever else Rose was there, making him happy. And Tennant was one of the best Doctor's I've seen. [Even though Nine/Eccleston was my first, and will always be MY Doctor. Eleven/Smith is currently trying to push Eccleston out of the way for that one but I'm being stubborn & loyal. :P] Howeverrr... For seasons 3 & 4, I really got tired of the mopey, heartbroken Doctor. It just made me depressed and made me miss Rose more. Actually, it made me miss Eccleston because if he hadn't left the show after just a year, they probably would have gotten more romantically involved. And RosexDoctor is the ONLY Doctor ship I am willing to commit to, unless River does something amazing. And even then I'll still be upset with her for awhile. But back to Amy and Rory. THAT WAS ONE OF THE BEST FREAKING LOVE STORIES EVER. He guarded the Pandorica for her for TWO THOUSAND YEARS. As an auton! Rory is so adorable. I just want to hug him. And then smack Amy upside the head for flirting with the Doctor all the time. I mean, Matt Smith is good looking and all, but he had Rose in his previous two regenerations. And he wouldn't sit around for two thousand years waiting for someone. True, Rory was plastic so it made that part easier, but still. My point stands. You don't throw away love and devotion like that! You just don't! So now, I literally cannot wait for the Christmas special with that trio. If they EVER kill off Rory again, I'm going to throw something at a wall. Not my screen, because I can't afford to get a new one. :P
And WOW, this was long. I ramble waaay too much. So, recap:
The Big Bang was fast paced, hilarious at points, exciting, sad, and epic. I was literally on the edge of my seat, biting my knuckles. There was no emo Doctor, and the timelines were all wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey. The best since The Parting of the Ways. And that one made me mad at the end with Eccleston's regeneration. So I think this goes to the top of my list as number one finale! Woohoo!
Ohhh, Christmas. Now I have ANOTHER reason for you to come quickly!