Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My Weekend..
Written by Tina at 1:31 PM 0 pretty notes
Monday, April 28, 2008
Evidence for the Flood & Noah's Ark
There are eighty eight other flood stories, legends, and traditions besides the Biblical account of Noah. These writings tell of a time when the ancient world was buried in a flood and re-populated by only the few who had miraculously survived. In Hindu tradition, Manu was told that the earth was about to be submerged in water; he was to build a ship to carry him and seven others to safety. When the eight of them were out of danger, the deities allowed them the privilege of starting a new race. Chinese tradition states that Fah-he escaped from a downpour that annihilated all the people of the world with the exception of himself, his wife, his three sons, and his three daughters. Mantheo, who lived about 250 BC, recorded the history of the Egyptians. According to him, there was a worldwide flood. It was combined with the commemoration of the dead into a ceremony that involved putting the figurine of Osiris in a sacred ark and sending it out to sea. The Greek legend is almost the exact same story. It tells of a man named Deucalion who was saved from a flood. The flood was sent to destroy a population of prideful, insolent people who kept doing evil but wouldn’t repent. Deucalion put his wife and kids along with all sorts of land animals with him into a chest which protected them until the flood waters receded. Other ancient people who had their own versions of Noah’s story are the Romans, Mexicans, and even the North American Kolushes of Alaska. The story of Noah’s Ark is far more widespread than many people realize.
Many people have also claimed to see the ark itself, or remnants of it. In 1905, a ten year old Armenian boy named Georgie Hagopian saw it when he went up Mt. Ararat with his uncle. In 1916, during World War I, Russian airman R. Roskovitsky was flying over Mt. Ararat when he said he saw part of an ancient ship. In the 1930’s, NewZealander Hardwicke Knight saw what was left of the ark. In 1952, George Jefferson Greene took pictures of what he saw from his helicopter. Chuck Aaron and Bob Garbe photographed the ark on September 15, 1989. These sightings and the discovery of the remains of the ark are still under debate. No one can seem to decide if the remains are authentic, even among Christian archaeologists. However, this still shows how many people believe in the Biblical telling of the worldwide disaster.
Even after the many variations of the Biblical account and physical evidence of the boat itself, people still doubt that the Flood could have happened. What many people don’t know is how much evidence there is all over the world to support the major catastrophe. One of the major pieces of evidence that scientists have found to support the flood is a universal layer of chalk in the earth. It stretches from continent to continent and might be thicker or thinner in some areas, but it all rests on the same basic rock formation. This chalk layer consists of material that grows in water. It is proof that the whole planet was under water at the same time. Another thing that points toward the Flood is the fossils that are found. Many dinosaur fossils are uncovered facing the same way, and stream oriented. If the flood waters had risen rapidly, the dinosaurs would have most likely been running to higher ground. Petrified forests are also a great indication that the Bible was telling the truth about the Flood. Scientists say that the petrified forests they’ve found have been around for at least thousands of years, maybe even millions. The trees in a petrified forest have no roots, branches, or bark, and they are upright. When Mt. St. Helens exploded in 1880, it caused glaciers to melt which led to a flood. Trees were uprooted and jammed together in an upright position. The jostling broke off all of the branches, roots, and bark. In the water they stayed in their upright position. When Mt. St. Helens exploded again one month later, it created huge craters. The craters exposed rock layers that looked like the layers scientists previously said took thousands of years to form. The craters also exposed the trees that had been uprooted in the first explosion, which had petrified. This proved that with a flood, petrified forests could crop up within a month.
There are many other things that point to the fact that the Flood actually happened. Once some people admit that the evidence does point to the Flood, however, they question how the animals could have all fit and survived on the ark for that long. Some studies show that scientists believe all animals have the ability to go into at least partial hibernation. This would allow the animals to become dormant, and since their bodily functions would decrease, the less food and care they would need. Each new piece of evidence shows how reliable the scripture is. In some instances, the Flood could be the only possible explanation for certain events. When looking closely at the physical proof around the world, it is clear that the Bible can be trusted to give an accurate account of the events that took place in the Biblical times.
Written by Tina at 4:15 PM 1 pretty notes
Friday, April 25, 2008
I am a happy camper!
So, yes. I am a very, very happy camper. I'm watching these videos for fun. heehee. :P And before I found these videos I was having fun writing this paper.
God bless!
Written by Tina at 4:01 PM 1 pretty notes
Monday, April 21, 2008
Gallery Farm Show!
Guess what?!?!?! We got SECOND! Dakota [*ahem* Kodak Moment. ;)] and I really, truly got second! And if we had tied with the winner in dressage, our cross country time would have bumped us up to first. ONE POINT in dressage separated us from the number one slot. AT OUR FIRST COMBINED TEST SHOW! I am definitely happy about that one! I was nervous for dressage, and the judge thought Koda needed more suppleness in his back and a bit more impulsion [well, he WAS almost asleep during the first half. Lazy horse.] And I sacrificed being on the bit for being light on the forehand. I was SO glad the judge didn't think we were heavy! That's been our main problem... heavy on the forehand. So I don't mind that she took off a lot of points for coming off the bit several times... I actually wasn't paying attention to that at all!
I was more worried about the loud cracking of my whip in the silent dressage arena. It sounded like a stock whip instead of a dressage whip! heh. But I did get several good comments about him being obedient, prompt, and rhythmic. I got lot's of "fairly's." As in: "fairly straight down the center line," "fairly rhythmic," "fairly round" [as in my circles], and such. heh. After my test I told Abby my circles had felt more like octagons. And he came off the bit on ALL of our transitions. But I've been working on that.
This was a show with a REAL judge, though. For the most part I got 7's out of 10's. [As in, points possible.]
And, I'll update this post to put up a picture.
I'm also going to put my dressage test on youtube [*sigh* when my dad uploads it from his video camera], and Kimberly's & Abby's tests will go up sooner, probably... because I got those with my mom's camera.
Ugh, well... I'm wiped out! Until next post, God bless.
Written by Tina at 11:34 PM 2 pretty notes
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Music Shuffle Survey
Music Shuffle Survey | |
Put your iTunes, iPod, mp3 player, etc on shuffel. | |
Answer the questions with the song you get. | |
Your wedding song:: | Smile - Todd Carey |
You and your bf/gf's song:: | Higher - Haygoods |
When your parents yell at you, they scream:: | What was I thinkin' - Dierks Bentley |
The song that best describes you:: | My Guy - Sister Act Soundtrack |
The song that best describes your friends:: | Baby Likes to Rock it - The Tractors |
When your mad, you play:: | Money in the Bank - John Anderson |
The song that will be played at your funeral:: | Goodbye to Another One - Todd Carey |
The song you'll sing along to in the shower:: | Where the Blacktop Ends - Keith Urban |
The song you secretly air guitar to:: | Hollywood Nights - Jam Doctors |
The song you listen to when you're happy:: | Oklahoma Swing - Reba & Vince Gill |
When your sad:: | Born to Fly - Sara Evans |
When your mad:: | King of Cliche - Todd Carey |
When you're feeling violent:: | Be My Baby Tonight - John Michael Montgomery |
When you're depressed:: | Ain't Got Love - Todd Carey |
When you're stressed:: | Waiting for a Sign - Green River Ordinance |
When you're excited:: | Countrified Soul - Emerson Drive |
The song you dance to:: | JS Bach: BWV - haha. From my "relaxing classical' music. |
The song you listen to when you're in love with someone:: | Catch Me On Your Way Back Down - Green River Ordinance |
Your first day of school:: | JS Bach Sonata in D major - more relaxing clasical |
Fight song:: | Falling From Grace - Todd Carey |
How you feel when you see your crush:: | Piece it Together - Green River Ordinance |
When you get emberrassed:: | XXL - Keith Anderson |
Song that describes your life:: | Takin it to the Streets - Jam Doctors |
Song you'll sing at your graduation, or the song you shouldv'e sang:: | So Much too Much - Jam Doctors |
Song that describes your pet:: | We Shine - Steve Fee |
Song that describes your school:: | Down by the Riverside - Kirk Franklin |
Song that describes your town:: | Elaine - Todd Carey |
How you feel when you are sick:: | Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - BSB |
How you feel when you get dumped:: | Down in Mississippi Up to No Good - Sugarland |
The song you hardcore dance to (lol):: | I Don't Dance - Lucas Grabeel & Corbin Bleu [haha!] |
The song you mosh to:: | True to Your Heart - Raven |
The song that goes through your head when your at the dentist:: | Another classical sonata |
Song that goes through your head when your getting a haircut:: | I Can't Take My Eyes off of You - HSM cast |
Song they should/shouldv'e played at your prom:: | Oh Happy Days - Aretha Franklin |
Song that describes when you and your friends are together:: | Soul Man - Blues Brothers |
Song that describes your favorite teacher:: | Hillbillly Shoes - Montgomery Gentry |
Song that you think of when you see your enemy:: | Larger Than Life - BSB |
Song that describes your religion:: | Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk |
Song that did/will describe your first date:: | Stomp - Kirk Franklin |
Song you think of when you wake up in the morning:: | Bringing Out the Elvis - Faith Hill |
Song that did/will describe your first kiss:: | Can't Get Enuf - Haygoods |
Take this survey Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site I promise... I didn't cheat! haha. I prefer the ones where "cheating" is okay. Like the one on my myspace. We were supposed to think of our own songs, not have shuffle. But oh well. Some of these worked out! haha.
Tina |
Written by Tina at 1:44 PM 2 pretty notes
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I hate nerves.
Awwwe. The sleeping Pokey! This is what I wish I could be like at the show. I know I'm not going to win, so I don't care about that. [seriously, I'm competing against the girl in my barn who is the NUMBER ONE beginner novice event rider in Area V. haha. So, I think she might just take the blue on this one. Unless she takes her untrained horse. Then he might go phsyco, and I MIGHT get it. Might. But really, I don't care. As long as I don't get LAST place, because I'm also competing against my trainer's 10 year old daughter. THAT is the only thing that would irk me. Is letting her beat me. But ANYWAYS!] I just don't know what it is that makes me so nervous about shows! Because [if there is enough room for me in the show - my mom wrote the check late so we had to mail it with a late fee] I'm going to the show April 20. This Sunday. My first combined training show.
Translation: First show to do a dressage test - the fancy footwork without jumps. Which, in my opinion, is harder than jumping. Well, show jumping. Cross country and dressage are kinda tied for me right now.
And to make me more nervous... I've skipped a level! It goes Green as Grass [GAG], Beginner Novice [BN], Novice, Prelim, etc, etc. Well... I've never done a GAG test in my LIFE. But at this show I'm doing BN. *sigh* But, if my trainer's 10 year old can do it, so can I. I think. haha.
I'm going to be disappointed if, after all this, I don't get a spot in the show. Why does Kim tell me about these things late?!?!
So, until next post God Bless!
Written by Tina at 8:47 PM 0 pretty notes
Monday, April 14, 2008
*cough* It just so happens that the love interest [Kate Bosworth as Jill Taylor] is also on the card counting team, and ultimately it's Jill who recruits Ben. Jill is just one of the "spotters," though. [At least I think thats what they called them...] Ben is so brilliant, after he learns how to count cards he is immediately bumped up to be one of the big betters, posing in Vegas as a rich kid wanting to use daddy's money.
Jumping back to earlier in the movie, one of Ben's best friends told him he needed some life experiences. This was the day after his 21st birthday. [Coincidence? lol.] So, I think he definately got that! My dad was happy because there was a bit of blood, and there were guns that actually went off! *GASP!* haha. But I don't think anyone actually got shot... the gun was just fired into the air. [I can hear my dad sigh from his office about this one! lol.]
This movie offers betrayal, big money, Vegas, romance, and attractive geniuses. [*coughcoughJIMSTURGESScoughcough* What's not to like? My dad didn't think they spent enough time at the Blackjack tables, showing Ben winning, but I didn't think much about that. It's fast-paced, and is very much an emotional roller coaster. However, unlike in Leatherheads, I knew just who to root for in 21! :D
Go see that movie, and God bless 'till my next post!
Written by Tina at 2:14 PM 1 pretty notes
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Well, if you're lookin' for a good movie to see, go watch Leatherheads! If you don't like the movie, it's at least worth watching George Cloony AND John Krasinski. Haha. My dad was rather disappointed there weren't any gun scenes, but the fight scene between George and John was HILARIOUS! :P haha. Actually, all through the movie I wasn't sure who to root for. John or George? I'm still not sure, even a day after I saw the movie....
Oh, and John Krasinski makes the perfect puppy eyes.
I also loved the dialogue between George [who played Dodge] and Renee Zellweger [who played Lexie Littleton]. That was great. They were constantly sniping at each other, and comebacks were always flying. They played it perfectly. A review on IMDB didn't put too good of a spin on the movie, but I go to enjoy myself, not see what's wrong with the movie. Haha. If they give me sports AND romance, who am I to complain? :D The only thing I didn't like was the very end scene with Renee and George. It left us guessing about John Krasinski's character, and I hate it when they do that... haha. Because I can imagine tons of things that could have happened, and want to know which one. But anyways... I liked the last football game. That one was great. And the press box at the games was a good source of entertainment, as well.
So, if you wanna see a funny movie about football before professional football was popular, go see this one! Just don't be disappointed about the lack of gunfights, as my dad was. hahaha. But last night [after we went to see 21, which was amazing as well] my dad and I watched Kingdom of Heaven, and he was happy. :P
Until next post, God bless!
Written by Tina at 9:55 AM 0 pretty notes
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Extreme 4:12
I Timothy 4:12
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.
My youth group has been having some issues lately with a large increase in kids coming in. We've added fifty or so kids within several weeks. Which is GREAT! But, these kids have never gone to church before, and don't know how they are supposed to act or anything. I believe I've already had one post about this. However, this post will be a bit happier. :D The core youth group kids who have been learning about the Bible since we were very, very little thought that we weren't getting enough out of youth group. Everything had to be simplified for those kids.
Well, now we're going to start something called Extreme 4:12. Yes, it is based on I Timothy 4:12. On Sunday nights we'll be learning the highly indepth version of what Matt [youth pastor, though not for long, which is a rather emotional story for another time] will be talking about on Wednesday nights. On Wednesday nights after the "sermonette" we break up into small groups. Well, the Extreme 4:12 kids are going to be sort of "Jr. Leaders" in the small groups, since we learned about the topic more in depth on Sunday, and we can get down to their level easier than the adult leaders can.
Personally, I'm excited! The more spiritually mature kids haven't been really getting fed lately, and we will on Sunday nights now! And its also a discipleship program of sorts, and we're going to be helping feed the new youth kids.
Well, until next post God Bless!
Written by Tina at 4:22 PM 0 pretty notes
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Straight No Chaser
Weelll... I've fallen in love with another singing group, though none could ever compare to the Haygoods. Straight No Chaser is [I believe] Indiana University's men's a capella group. They are currently taking YouTube by storm, and I found them around Christmastime, via a link someone sent me for their 12 Days of Christmas song, which is GENIUS! :P
Anyway... You need to look them up on YouTube yourself, and watch aaaaall their videos. Their voices really are amazing. Especially for a capella. And, *sigh* if you don't want to watch ALL three minutes, at LEAST watch the last 30-45 seconds, as well as a bit of the first part.
Written by Tina at 12:26 AM 1 pretty notes
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ohh, Crap.
Written by Tina at 2:19 PM 1 pretty notes