I Timothy 4:12
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.
My youth group has been having some issues lately with a large increase in kids coming in. We've added fifty or so kids within several weeks. Which is GREAT! But, these kids have never gone to church before, and don't know how they are supposed to act or anything. I believe I've already had one post about this. However, this post will be a bit happier. :D The core youth group kids who have been learning about the Bible since we were very, very little thought that we weren't getting enough out of youth group. Everything had to be simplified for those kids.
Well, now we're going to start something called Extreme 4:12. Yes, it is based on I Timothy 4:12. On Sunday nights we'll be learning the highly indepth version of what Matt [youth pastor, though not for long, which is a rather emotional story for another time] will be talking about on Wednesday nights. On Wednesday nights after the "sermonette" we break up into small groups. Well, the Extreme 4:12 kids are going to be sort of "Jr. Leaders" in the small groups, since we learned about the topic more in depth on Sunday, and we can get down to their level easier than the adult leaders can.
Personally, I'm excited! The more spiritually mature kids haven't been really getting fed lately, and we will on Sunday nights now! And its also a discipleship program of sorts, and we're going to be helping feed the new youth kids.
Well, until next post God Bless!
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