Monday, March 9, 2009

Disaster Saturday...

Ugh. Have you ever had a day that just did NOT go well? At all? I was just about mad enough to cuss Saturday. At my horse and my dad. Since it would take forever and a day [and several pages of typing] to let you in on everything... I'll give you the SparkNotes version. =]

*The day started kinda sorta all right. Dad & I got out to the barn about 45 min late to load Koda up in our borrowed little two-horse step-up trailer to take him to Jamies for a few months.
*Koda didn't think he could fit.
*We wrestled with him for about 3.5 hours total. Here's some special things that happened during that time:
1. Dad & I both got rope burn.
2. We put a pony in the other slot, so maybe the trailer would look more inviting. Didn't work.
3. We tried coaxing with food. Didn't work.
4. We tried pulling.
5. We tried pushing.
6. He started bucking.
7. He started rearing.
8. He almost sat on & crushed Dad.
9. He almost sat on & destroyed a brand new Mazda in the parking lot.
10. He scraped the skin off my fingers.
11. Dad almost lost a fingernail.
12. We both got really sweaty.
13. Koda got really sweaty.
14. We tried a chain under his lip.
15. We tried a whip.
16. We aced [TRANQUILIZED] him.
17. Koda ripped my wraps. Now I have to buy new ones.
18. Dad tried playing horse whisperer extraordinaire. Which led to a stare-off between him & Koda and me getting banned from helping. Needless to say... it didn't work.
So. After almost 4 hours... we gave up.

*We stopped at Sonic on our way to returning the borrowed trailer. We had to go through the drive thru because of the trailer.
1. They got Dad's order wrong.
2. Dad got gypped [sp?] out of a dollar, even though it was Sonic that messed up.
3. It wasn't till we left the parking lot that I realized they got my order wrong.
4. Dad wasn't going back.
5. They didn't give me enough marinara sauce.
6. They didn't put vanilla in Dad's coke.

The only redeeming thing that happened was Pastor Tommy let me ride Peppy for a few minutes. It was his trailer we borrowed, and he was riding his horse when we pulled up. Gahhhh.

Saturday = FAIL.

2 pretty notes:

Kate Hamman said...

dudddeeeee! im sry! you almost cussed! it must have been BAD!! did you ever get him in there???

Tina said...

Hahaha. Yeah.
It was bad.
But the next weekend we rented a bigger trailer and it took half the time & half the frustration. :]