Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lookitlookitlookit my BEAST! He's better again! Mostly. haha. He has a wound that he got several months ago that is still scabbing over & breaking open & scabbing over again. But I can live with that, and in the meantime, we can walk, trot AND CANTER! Awesomeness. We went and hacked out with Kimberly & Chase behind the barn property, on Target's property. haha. It was FANTASTIC! And very freeing. I got this huge rush of adrenaline and we weren't even cantering that fast, cause Kimby was working on her poppy stadium canter. haha. We were just special and extremely heavy on the forehand, but I didn't really care. I had all the boots I owned on Koda, splint boots & bell boots, just as a precaution. haha. I love the sound that bell boots make slapping against hooves! It's great.

So yeah. Anyway. About every three days the scab peels off and a new one forms again. So every three days I have to put my pink lady wound care stuff on it. Using my new purple latex gloves. haha. I feel special when I use them. Although they're from a bag, not a box, which is really, really annoying. haha. I am a lazy bum! But that's okay. I'm thinking next month the scab will be totally gone, and we can start jumping. w00t!!!! :D


2 pretty notes:

Kate Hamman said...

YAY!! I am so happy for you guys! I know it's probably been a long wait. The looks on both of your faces depicts pure bliss! May you have many a wonderful rides without incident! ahemDakotaahem hehe just kidding!

Also, I have taken up your challenge on reading the Bible in 90 days. I have the One Year Bible (where it measures out for you a daily read of the NT, OT, Psalms, and Proverbs so you'll finish in a year. But I'm reading 4 days worth a night so it should take me around 90ish days. I'm really too lazy to do the actual math of it. I've never read the Bible in its entirty, I know certain scripture and general outlines of some of the books but never read all of it, so I figure it's about time. I'm really into Genesis and I don't get what people are thinking when they think of reading the Bible as a chore, beside the fact the it's a true accout of events, it's just like reading a novel. I'm enjoying it. :)

I'm also challenging myself to atleast blog every month. If not more. Because I have all these things that would make a good blog post, just never do it. And then nothing happens and I forget them. Procratonation = my own worst enemy.

Okay, I think this message is long enough. I love you!!

Kate Hamman said...

"The looks on both of your faces depicts pure bliss!"

NOTE:I actually saw the picture on face book where i could actually see your face. hehe the blog version is a wee bit small for that.

Oh, and I think this is funny, know when you post a comment and it gives you a word to type before you send it? Well, right now mine is 'Dudley Wizard' :P