Monday, June 2, 2008


Expectations are like the first week of spring;
They gallop at you with alarming speed.
All seems well, all is right,
Until that expectation appears at my side.
Can I do it? Can I bear it?
Grinning seems too much to ask.
Only two outcomes are possible –
Defeat is a worst-case scenario.

Disappointment is like a sleepless night
Full of tossing and turning.
Restless dreams and sweat
Are no strangers to me.
I cannot do it. It’s impossible to bear it!
Grinning is inconceivable.
Failure drags me down –
I think of all I could have done.

But when Success comes along,
I am galloping astride a grey horse.
I can rejoice with the singing of the birds
And feel the warm sun caress my skin.
I did it! I bore it!
Now the grinning comes with ease.
I no longer fear expectation –
Until the next time comes around.

Yay! My poem was published in my HS's online newsletter. :D
'Til next post, God bless!

2 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

I loved your poem! It has been quite awhile! How is your summer?I have not updated in quite a while so I am going to go do that now.haha.ttyl!

Kate Hamman said...

(dunno if this will on a diff. computer.) so. that was really good! what was it for? like, what assignment? and i CANNOT believe you put that picture on there! we will have to have a talk about that.