Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gahh! It's been SOOO long...

So.. yeah. I've been MIA on the wonderful world wide web lately. haha. To avoid writing a novel [when I need to start getting ready for youth in a bit!] I'll just hit the highlights & give you the cliffnotes version. ;)

Two weekends ago, I was in DC. My mom and I made it from the Tulsa airport to Dallas to DC unscathed! And we also were NOT terrorized, nervous, miserable, or on the verge of a breakdown. haha. Usually, my dad always leads us through airports, and we are left to only think about what we are going to read, eat, or drink once we actually get on the plane. I had to help mom figure out the "complicated" self-check in for baggage. We also had to WAIT for group 6 to be called! *GASP* haha. Usually my dad is always in group 1 or 2, so we get to load the plane with his group. But no, he wasn't with us, so it was group 6 for us.

Oh, and the saddest thing of all - at the Tulsa airport, a soldier was saying goodbye to his wife and baby... who must have been weeks old. The one funny thing that balanced that out, was the guy in the window seat next to my mom and I was very nervous about flying. :P Watching him was great. He gripped the armrests like they were what was saving him from a slow, painful death.

I also finished Eclipse on the plane flights. I started it the night before we left. :P

This last weekend I had a funnn lesson. My dad rode my horse the day after. I went to two of my friends' graduation reception. I got my hair cut today. Three inches off.

Oh, and today I found out that a poem of mine was published in my HS's online newsletter! I'll have to post the poem later.

*sigh* Well, I need to get ready for church, so until next post, God bless!


1 pretty notes:

Tina said...

I'm too lazy to log in to edit this post. The picture is of me [with my dad next to me] in the Smithsonian cafeteria... eating a slice of pizza BIGGER THAN MY FACE.
So yes.
I had to share this picture. I don't think I've ever eaten a slice of pizza that was bigger than my face before.......