Monday, April 20, 2009

Teen Angst is Overrated. Seriously.

Ughh. This is just a little rant from me. :]
I really am tired of always being the mature friend who calms situations down and is otherwise ignored. I'm an enabler. I enable some of my friends to be dependent, self-centered, emotional wrecks. Its draining. And annoying. I was talking to my mom last night for forever because I'm so sick of just being the shoulder to cry on. Augalkdha;kllhteilaho. Its rediculous. I'm always the good example, I'm always the parents' favorite. I have a freaking pastor asking me to always drag his daughter to church. Don't get me wrong. I love her to death. She's one of my best friends. But she gets herself into these social and emotional situations and NEVER uses her common sense. So I get to be the comforter, the advice-giver, the "I-told-you-so" teller, etc. And when I have a problem... it lasts for about 30 seconds before we're back to someone else's. If I dwell on my life in the conversation for more than 3 minutes, I feel like everyone else feels I'm "hogging" the conversation. Its always been like this. I had a "friend" once who wanted to kill me every time I opened my mouth.... which isn't all that often. I mean, seriously. People need to get over themselves. I've always been the people-pleaser, the situation-diffuser, and I'm frankly quite sick of it.

Just once I want to kick up a little dust, throw a little fit, and NOT have someone tell me I'm overreacting.
Someone's crush doesn't pay attention to them, and its the end of the world. Quite literally.
I grieve over the puppy I had to put down after 14 years, and after THREE DAYS I'm a drama queen.
My generation needs to learn how to suck it up, submit to some authority every now and then, and control their tempers. Going off on someone for accidentally offending you is considered being STRONG? Get a life. It's considered being a jerkface.

Rant over. :]
I feel better now. hahh.
I'm just tired of being ignored by my peers and only getting positive attention and reinforcement from the adults in my life.
I need some more barn-friends and Kate time. Ugh. I know where I'm appreciated. And I appreciate the appreciation. :]
I dunno how Dr. Phil does it. After the 100th show, I just whack everyone upside the head, say USE YOUR COMMON SENSE, YOU IDIOT, and walk away.. And mom thinks I should major in phsycology and be a therapist. hah.

2 pretty notes:

Kate Hamman said...

I do appreciate you Tina. I hope I am not that angsty..I do have my moments and I'm sorry. Thanks for being a good listener. But know that you can angst at me any time you want...I love depressing stuff!! Haha joking..sorta. <3 cant wait till Branson.

Tina said...

Oh, Kate. :]
You weren't one of the ones I was frustrated with.

<3 You.
You are definitely NOT that angsty.
And Branson = BEST TIME EVER!