Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Countdown Time!!!

3 pretty notes:

Trudi Rose said...

Now that I know you have this countdown posted on your blog, I'll just have to check back every time I want to know the countdown to my birthday! I hope that you have a wonderful time at the Haygoods...wish that I could go see them that day!!!

Megan Renee said...

Hey girl!Thanks for stopping by! :) I know what you mena about stopping by to read but not post comments. :) I did want to say I am sorry to hear about your puppy.:( Back in Feb my cat, that we've had for 14 years disappeared and never found him.He was an outside cat but never left the area immeditiley around our house.I know he was sick, and we were giving him medicine. The vet said it was nothing serious but he was getting worse.We had another appoinment scheduled for him just a few days after he left.When my sis was gone I held him and cried.He would hear me crying outside and came running to me everytime.*sigh*I'm making self depressed now...Sorry...

You are going to have a BLAST at the Haygoods! They have changed it since I was there in MArch so you have to tell me EVERYTHING!!!! :) Love you horse buddy! Talk to you soon!!!Hugs!!!

Tina said...

We have the awesomest birthday ever. :]Glad to know I can be of service to you. I would hate to think you wouldn't know our birthday countdown. My blog is good for something!

Thanks. :] Yeah... losing any sort of pet is so difficult. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I have to sell Koda, because I know I'll probably have to sometime. :[

Haygoods will be funfunfunfunfun!
I will take TONS of pictures, as always, and let you all know all about it!
I wish both of you could be there too. :]