Friday, May 1, 2009

INFJ: Introverted, Intuition, Feeling, Judging

In case anyone ever wondered what makes me tick. haha. :]
Quote about my personality type:
"INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath. INFJs are intensely private and deeply committed to their beliefs."

Introversion is a preference to focus on the world inside the self. Introverts tend to be quiet, peaceful and deliberate and are not attracted to social interactions. They prefer activities they can do alone or with one other close friend, activities such as reading, writing, thinking, and inventing. Introverts find social gatherings draining.
Intuition refers to how people process data. Intuitive people focus on the future and the possibilities. They process information through patterns and impressions. They read between the lines, they are abstract thinkers.
Feeling refers to how people make decisions. Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances.
Judging is the preference outwardly displayed. Judging does not mean "judgmental". Judging people like order, organization and think sequentially. They like to have things planned and settled. Judging people seek closure.

I feel quite special to be one of the most rare personality types. haha.
But I do feel like it sums me up quite well.

My Multiple Intelligences test top results...
Haha. I'm just choosing a few little things about each intelligence to write here. I'm sure you don't want to read it all.
People with Linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.
Common Characteristics:
Notices grammatical mistakes [haha. I have the grammar police in my head. Usually I don't correct out loud unless I know you won't mind, though. ^_^]
Often speaks of what they have read [Yep.]
Likes to use "fancy" words [I absolutely adore them.]
Loves word games [Depends on what kind of word game, but yes.]
Cherishes their book collection [I LOVE MY BOOKS! Hence the "Remember your priorities: If my house burns down, save the books!" flair. haha.]
Easily remembers quotes and famous sayings [I keep a list of my favorites on my computer.]
Likes puns and rhymes [Haha! Yesss.]
Enjoys writing [Of course. ^_^]
Enjoys foreign language [Not so much.]
Always enjoyed English class [Yes!]
People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are introspective and seek understanding. They are intuitive and typically introverted. They learn best independently.
Common Characteristics:
Introverted [Hit that nail on the head. ha.]
Prefers working alone [Depends on what it is.]
Self-aware [Pretty much.]
Perfectionistic [HAHA! Total perfectionist.]
Often thinks of self-employment [Haha. Planning on starting my own wedding planning business. Or else becoming a psychologist.]
Enjoys journaling [I've kept a diary since the 1st grade. Well, I've switched diaries since then, but still.]
Independent [Yeah.]
Spends time thinking and reflecting [Yep.]
Likes learning about self [Hello. Taking this test. haha.]
People with Kinesthetic intelligence love movement. They enjoy sports and/or dance. They are good at building things and like to stay active. They have good motor skills and are very aware of their bodies. They learn best through movement and experimentation.
Common Characteristics:
Learns by "doing" [True.]
Would rather touch than just look [Yep. Unless it's the inside of an animal. Then I just like to look. haha.]
Well-coordinated with good motor skills [Generally true. I have my klutzy days.]
Likes figuring out how things work [Sometimes. Depends on what it is.]
Enjoys the outdoors [Very true.]
Likes to work with hands [True.]
Can't sit still for too long [Not true for me. haha.]
Enjoys sports and exhilarating experiences [haha. What sport is there that's more exhilarating than riding?]

Other intelligences:
Musical 70% [I have no musical ability. At least, I've never spent time working on any musical ability. I just love it. ^_^]
Naturalist 65% ["They are gifted at nurturing and growing things as well as the ability to care for and interact with animals." I hope I have the ability to interact with animals. haha.]
Interpersonal 65% ["They are good at reading, empathize and understanding others." Yesh.]
Visual/Spatial 60% ["They are very aware of their surroundings and are good at remembering images." They also like to read maps. Which is a coincidence, because **I** like to read maps! haha. ]
Logical/Mathematical 50% [I "look for rational explanations" and "organize by category." I do NOT like math OR have a mind like a computer. Blehh.]

I think this all describes me quite well.
Wasn't really surprised.
If you wanna take the time... take the quiz and lemme know what it says. I enjoy reading these things about people.
And yes... I copied and pasted this from my facebook note. So either leave a comment here with your quiz info, a comment telling me you put your info in a blog post, or put your results up on facebook. [puh-lease?]
I will NOT hesitate to use puppydog eyes on you!
So... yeah. Kim & Jason have already done it. Cool points to them! Who else now?


2 pretty notes:

Trudi Rose said...

Thanks for posting this! After reading yours I went and took the tests myself. I should probably get around to posting mine sometime soon (hopefully I'll finish this semester eventually), but I thought it was really funny that I was also an INFJ, just with some different percentages! Maybe there is something about being born on May 9th. :)

Tina said...

Awesome! :]
INFJ's are cool. haha.
Go us!