Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rooster is an idiot.

Soo... even though my mom cut my head off and Dakota's nose of in this one... I had to laugh because I so totally thought BUTT SHOT! lol. Not quite as great as a Haygood butt shot, but my horsie just has the cutest butt. :) Look at that rippling muscle. *pets horsie's butt* ANYWAY.....

Rooster is an idiot. I seriously thought I was going to watch that dumb horse die right in front of me! There's a chain that holds this gate closed, next to a fence where Rooster is turned out. Well, there's enough space between the gate and the fenct for me to just hop the chain and continue on my way, so I don't have to open the gate - that's too much trouble unless I have my horse with me. Well, Rooster got excited and thought I OPENED the gate, which I did not. So, he charged at me [I leapt out of the way, of course], and either just didn't jump in time, or didn't think the chain was there, and RAN INTO THE CHAIN. This is a big, thick chain. He hit the chain on his upper front legs, about five inches above his knees. The rest of this I watched in slow motion, basically: He FLIPPED, and somehow went over the chain, between the gate and the fence. I dunno how he fit, but he did. He landed NECK FIRST, then shoulder, then the rest of his body, then his head. Rooster's whole body is red, so when his head whipped around I thought he gouged his eye out because I couldn't see that side of his face clearly. THEN, he landed with his legs towards the fence, so I was like... Crap. If he didn't die instantly from snapping his neck, he's going to break his legs in the gate. Luckily, he just lay there, stunned for a few seconds, before slowly getting up and slowly walking off...

I didn't breathe until I dialed Kim's number and told her her horse just flipped over the fence. And Kim was like, "Well, if he broke his neck he'd be dead right now, so I think we can rule that out. Let's hope he didn't break his back. He'll either be fine or he won't... We'll see how he is doing in a day or two."
I nearly feinted.

THEN, [originally I had been going out to get my horse, and had to go through that gate to get to him... when I see my horse, he has this big growth thing on the inside of his upper leg, kind of between his chest muscle and his leg.... I get up to the barn, and Kim is like, "Oh, he has a hematoma."
"A hematoma."
"Umm... what is that?"
"He got kicked, and the blood just kind of pools up under the skin."
Umm-hum. I'm going to give it a week to re-absorb back into his body before calling the vet. At least it was smaller this morning, since I found it last night.

I swear, these horses are trying to give me a heart attack. And don't get me started about my ORU students today. Their brains were somewhere else, definitely not in their heads. I'll spare you that little rant... But to sum it up, I'll say that today I've been wondering how some of these people got into college in the first place. I felt like tearing my hair out.
Until next post, God bless.

1 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

Ha!Sounds like my horse.He hasn't flipped a fence yet but he has a way of catching himself on fences,branches whatever.I am constantly finding new scratches and baldspots where he has done something stupid.*sigh* Gotta love them though! Love the picture btw! :)