Monday, March 31, 2008

Amazing Miracle!

Okay... wow! I just had to share this when I remembered it. [This is also giving me a break from an evil Geometry test. ^_^] Yesterday, our pastor told us something that happened during the Easter Sunday service. When the scene where Jesus rides into Jerusalem started [our Jesus didn't have a donkey. :( haha.] Al [the guy playing Jesus] walked down one aisle and stopped in the front, then walked back up another one. Well, as he was walking up/down the aisles, as well as healing the actors who had the obvious diseases of lameness, blindness, deafness, etc, he shook hands of people in the pews, and touched shoulders, etc. Well, one of the guys in the pew had never been to church before, and his back had been giving him problems for the past few months. [I'll call him John so I won't get confused in the retelling. haha.] John had almost decided not to come to this Easter service, but the person who invited him persuaded him to come anyway. He had been in an especially large amount of pain due to his back that morning. [I'm sure some of you might be able to tell where this is going - but the rest of the story is still amazing!] As Al, dressed as Jesus, walked back up the aisle, he shook John's hand. John's friend later told our pastor that when Al touched John, he INSTANTLY felt an "amazing, out of this world" power go through his whole body, and the back pain IMMEDIATELY left him!! Isn't that so cool?!?! I thought so too!!!
So, John seems to have gotten a touch from Al [as Jesus], AND Jesus! haha. Yes, our pastor said that too. lol.

OH! A Jim Graham video update [haha]: My dad has successfully uploaded the video of me riding to his computer!!! Yaay! Now, he just needs to email it to me. Unfortunately, his desktop was the one that had the software for it.... and he went out of town. And since he is afraid I will get onto his computers and sell his company's secrets to rival companies, I do not have any of his passwords. So, it might be Thursday/Friday before I can get it up. But it IS coming! Halfway there.

So, I hope you were inspired by my little story... and until next post, God bless!!

1 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

Hey tina.I thought I'd leave you s "pretty note." Haha.I like how you changed that.WEll today is officaly April.I hope the weather is treating you nice s oyou can ride lots.

That is a cool story.God works in cool ways.

Have a great day.:)