Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Five Love Languages

Caption: Cute pic of my grandpa & me on Father's Day. Haha. Yesss. Now, Father's Day = Branson Trip = Haygoods. Oh, it also means we get to see family, I guess. :P haha.

Anyways. Forever ago, my parents led a small group at church on the Five Love Languages. I was about ten, so I didn't really care. But, the other day I was at Barnes & Noble and I saw "The Five Love Languages of Teenagers" over in the Religious section. Of course, it was a book for parents but I skimmed through it anyways. Then I got to thinking... what is MY love language? You would think I would know, right? But, I'm a perfectionist, and so I got to thinking, maybe its this, but no, I also like this, and this. Maybe this is more me? So, I googled the test. Here are my results, in case any of you would like to know:

Words of Affirmation: 10
Quality Time: 8
Receiving Gifts: 8
Acts of Service: 2
Physical Touch: 2

Your highest score indicates your primary love language. Your second highest score indicates your secondary love language. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary love languages). If the scores of your primary language and your secondary language are close (for example, 10 and 9 respectively), it indicates both are important to you. Whatever your spouse does to express love in either of these languages will get emotional points with you. The highest score for any one love language is 12.
Having a clear picture of your primary and secondary love languages will explain much of your past behavior. Think back over the past and ask yourself, "What have I most often requested from my spouse?" Chances are your answer will lie within the scope of your primary and secondary love languages. You have been requesting that which would meet your deepest need for emotional love. Your requests, however, might have come across as nagging or criticizing and thus driven your spouse away.

Of course... this test is the original test, which is geared towards married people. Obviously, I am not married. :P But the love languages thing really helps to understand everyone, friends and loved ones other than those who you are married to. Sooo... take the test! =] I wanna see what your love language is!! []

'Till next post, God bless!

1 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

Hey.So I'm at the college being bored and thought I'd stop! I hope you are doing wonderful.New blog. :) Love ya girl!