Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Break Camp

Hahahaha. So. First of all, Harry Potter fans who don't know about the new international trailer MUST immediately proceed to scroll downwards until they see the 'Trailer Addict' video. And then read the post. But if you've seen it, or don't care, then you can just proceed with reading THIS entry.

Fall Break Camp... I went with my youth group. Over fall break, from Thursday afternoon till Sunday afternoon. I rode up with Corey [youth pastor] and Tavia [friend] and others in the church van. I got to ride shotgun, so I memorized the directions.... I'm going to drive myself next time. Tavia & I were the oldest ones, besides Corey, on that van. It was a looooong ride.
It was fun though. We had service every night, and played cheesy games that are to be expected where lots of youth are present. It was different PH youth groups that were there. I figured out I'm pretty good at the "Honey, If You Love Me" game. Haha. Well, I'm pretty good at making other people smile, but I'm horrible at keeping a straight face for myself. Man, but some of those guys just have to get up in my face and I'm laughing. Haha. But thats alright. I can get right up in their faces as well. =D haha, yeah.

The worship was amazing. Two of the guys from our youth group did the whole thing... just two voices, one guitar, and a piano. I finally gave up on bugging God for his plan for my life. I said that I would let him reveal all that in his time.

GUESS WHAT?!?! TWO days after I got back.... God gave me my answer. At least, I think so. I still have some praying and a whole lot of years to get through, but...

Now I at least have a tentative outline/plan. I'm going to get my MBA at ORU, then work for a wedding planner for awhile before eventually starting my own wedding coordinating business! :D Awesome, huh? Its perfect for me!! I'm a perfectionist, and waaay into details. Plus I'm a sucker for romance. So, perfect job! Plus, I'm spoiled watching my dad own his own business. He gets to go to the office late whenever he wants. haha. Anyways.

It was a really good weekend. I drove home with Haley, a friend who literally lives about two minutes away from my house. She had to drive up late the first night since she couldn't get out of cheering for a football game. That was fun. We stopped at DQ on the way home and met up with the church van and another one of our friends who had driven herself. :)

Look-ee thar, dad! Yore lil' gal can so-shuh-lize after all! hahaha.
well, till next post God bless!

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