Thursday, October 2, 2008

Geeze. I have issues I didn't even know about!

Hahahaha. Okay... here are exerpts from the letter my oral surgeon sent to our insurance company, trying to get them to help us pay for jaw surgery. Or, as the surgeon says, "Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy with internal rigid fixation."

I have "mandibular hypoplasia."
"Deformities of the facial skeleton posterior crossbite have caused an abnormal bite which makes chewing and incising food difficult." [TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!] "If a proper bite is not provided, the entire mastication system can break down. Associated problems include excessive wear to contacting teeth with potential early loss of the dentition; stress and strain on the jaw, surrounding muscles and ligaments; myofacial pain and chronic headaches, lip dysfunction, tongue thrust and mouth breathing problems and speech difficulties."

Talk about a mouthful!
Without the surgery, we might need to pay for "physical therapy, speech therapy, prescription use and abuse, [their words, not mine!] neurologic studies, etc." I don't think I want to know what the "etc." could entail!

This wasn't the whole letter. Reading it, you'd think I had such a major deformity that I'd resemble the Hunchback of Notre Dame, with an even worse jaw. Thank God, that is not the case. So...

Pray that the insurance company will agree with my surgeon! I don't want to go through "physical therapy, speech therapy, prescription use OR abuse, or neurologic studies." I don't want dentures at 50, either! My parents are 51 & 52! I don't want dentures at their age!

Please pray!!! Tina

1 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

Aww Tina! :( That totally bites...*no pun intended* haha. I will be praying for you.All that stuff sounds incrediblly painful!Keep us updated.Love ya!Meg