Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Survey - Take It!

A 50 Question Christmas Survey

Before Christmas
1. Does your family send out Christmas cards?: Yep.
2. How soon do you start shopping?: This year... I started in September. Heck yes.
3. Who do you shop for?: Friends & Family. Dad's the hardest.
4. Do you put up a Christmas tree?: Heck yes!
5. If so, is it fake or real?: Hahaha. Fake.
6. Do you like tinsel?: Not a big fan, no.
7. Do you use homeade or storebought ornaments?: Storebought. I go for the classy trees. :D
8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?: Depends.
9. Do you put lights on the tree?: Hahaha. Its pre-lit.
10. How about popcorn and cranberries?: On the tree, no. Refer to no. 7.
11. Is there a wreath hanging on your doo?: Always.
Christmas Eve
12. Do you celebrate it?: Kinda.
13. Do you hang up your stocking?: Yep.
14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Christmas?": No. Try the Bible. [Christmas story.]
15. Christmas Movie: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! ["Silver & gold, silver & gold, everyone wishes for silver & gold..."]
16. Character from any Christmas Movie: Tim Allen from The Santa Claus.
17. Christmas Song: Ahh. Hardest question! Right now its a toss up between "Baby Jesus is Born" by Garth Brooks & "Carol of the Bells" by Straight No Chaser.
18. Christmas Memory: Blasting xmas music, decorating, & dancing around the house with Mom. Singing off key at the top of our lungs, of course. ;)
This or That
19. Give or Receive?: Give.
20. Eggnog or Cider?: CIDER! Heck yes, hands down! Nothing like good apple cider.
21. Red or Green?: Green.
22. Ham or Turkey?: Turkey. But really... I'm more of a chicken person.
23. Star or Angel?: Angel.
24. White Lights or Colored Lights?: Colored!
25. Blinking Lights or Still Lights: Still.
26. Were you Naughty or Nice this year?: hmm... ;) I dunno. Nice, I guess.
27. What do you want for Christmas this year?: lots of things. Among which is: shouldersback back brace, bigeloil, riding gloves, saddle pads, & the House, MD seasons 1-4 dvds.
28. When do you open your gifts?: with immediate family - on Christmas. With extended family, Thanksgiving. Mom & Dad's sides rotate thanksgiving & Christmas.
29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?: ummm... I dunno. I can't choose.
30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten?: Most recently, a weathered old welcome sign. But i convinced grandma that it was the best thing ever. She'll never know. It was the thought that counts.
31. Who gives you the most gifts?: Parents. And Grandma from my mom's side.
32. Have you ever had a secret Santa?: No.
33. Do you like wrapping gifts?: Eck. I'm a perfectionist. Translation: No, because I have to spend FOREVER on one gift till I get it perfect.
34. Do you put change in those red buckets?: No... not really.
35. Do you burn a yule log?: Nope.
36. Can you name all the reindeer?: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer Vixen, Commet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph are all I know. If there's more... lemme know.
37. Do you bake cookies?: If you know my mother, you know the answer to that question.
38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Clause?: Nope. I do like it when Reba sings that song, though. ;) And... if you know my dad.... he wouldn't dress up like Santa Claus.
39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe?: Nope.
40. Do you go caroling?: Hahahahahaa. Nope.
41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?: Yep! Purty. :D
42. Have you ever left Santa cookies?: Yep! And carrots for the reindeer. Too bad mom didn't know that reindeer wouldn't NIBBLE on carrots... heh.
43. Have you ever sat on Santa's lap?: Yes. I was petrified! I HATED sitting on Santa's lap! I knew it wasn't the real Santa anyways... why would I want to sit on some strange man's lap?!?! Mom always had to bribe me. haha.
44. Who do you celebrate Christmas with?: Family.
45. Where do you celebrate Christmas?: Either my house or my dad's parent's house. Alternate Christmases.
46. Have you ever had a white Christmas?: I live in Oklahoma. I think I remember one. Maybe two. Then again, I could have been dreaming.
47. What part of Christmas do you look most foward to?: The music. The atmosphere. The decorations. The apple cider. The fire in the fireplace.
48. Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa?: Yes. Refer to 43. Hated it.
49. Does your family always take a picture at Christmas?: Usually. Mom's a sap for things like that. I hate pictures.
50. Have you ever heard the song "Thank God For Kids" by The Oakridge Boys?: Probably. I just don't recognize it by the title. I do like the Oakridge Boys, though. For certain songs.

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