Thursday, November 6, 2008


This amazing picture of Dom is up only for me to showcase my amazing photography skills. haha. No, I was just really excited about how this picture turned out. So I put it up. [For some reason I was thinking of PotC, and Jack's undead monkey.] Anyways.

MY HORSE IS ALIVE! I felt like I had an undead horse or something for awhile now. Don't ask why, the 'undead' thing just popped into my head. So I decided that I would use it.
More specifically... Dakota is SOUND!
He is progressing beautifully. I've ridden him twice so far, and I'm going to ride him again today.
Of course... I have to ride him in the indoor, since there is about 6 inches of sand in there, and it's much softer on his poor bruised hooves... but I can still ride him. And he doesn't get grumpy. Which is a miracle. A HUGE miracle.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me my horse back!

I'm soooo happy I didn't have to end up calling Randall, or Bullock, or that farrier guy Jamie told me about... :) Ecstactic, actually. And so is my dad. And my dad's wallet. haha.
Hey, I'm contributing to the care of my horse! Last month I earned $435 working for Kim, and the month before that I earned $555. So there. :P

God rest ye merry, ladies and gentlemen! 'Till next post, God bless!

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