Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reading Rut.

The picture is my newest bookshelf. I say newest... but I actually stole it from my dad. And then my mother and I completely filled it up within 10 minutes of stealing it. The top shelf is completely mine. As well as on top of the whole thing. And half of the middle shelf is mine. The rest is my mothers. You can probably see the edge of my other bookshelf to the right. That is my old one. It's completely filled up. Hence, stealing my father's bookshelf. He wasn't really using it anyway.

Hmm. Well, the reason I'm posting is that I'm in a reading rut. Not that I have a lack of things to read; I don't. Well, not really. I just want something different to read. My grandmother got me in on the Christian romances. I own over 100 of the darn things. I still love them, even though they don't have much substance. However, even though I'll always be up for a good romance, I'm feeling slightly restless with picking up another one right now. I need something... different. Haha.

I've made up a reading list for myself. Books I need to read. So far, I have:

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • The Catcher in the Rye

  • The Doer of Good by Oscar Wilde

  • The Davinci Code [never got around to reading it; after all the hype when it was first published I feel the need to be able to at least hold a more than two minute conversation about it.]

    Yeah. It isn't that impressive of a list, but its different. I also have a million and one of my dad's books to read. Those, I can assure you, are not romances. He has a bunch of Clive Cussler and Grisham. I'm thinking of reading some Grisham. Now, I only need to find the time to read all of these. I've also had this unexplicable urge to hole myself up for awhile and write. I actually have a few novels that I've started. Not that I think they'll get published at any point in time... but justs to have the satisfaction of knowing that I actually wrote a full-out story. That would be cool. I write rather oddly, though. I can't have any distractions. Hence the need to hole up.

    I'm getting off topic here. My main point in writing this was to get input. Give me your favorite book or author. Recommend something for me. I'll let you know if I read it. I probably will at some point in time. :D Fiction or non fiction. Heck, recommend your favorite poetry book or poet. Right now I'm pretty fond of Langston Hughes. Hence... this short little poem at the bottom of the right-hand column on my blog. If you haven't... scroll down and read it. :)

    Anyways... Until next post, God bless!


  • 2 pretty notes:

    JTo said...

    Well, we both love Twlight. I say you read those over and over again. Haha.
    Um, have you read The Lovely Bones? One of my favorites.It's by Alice Sebold.
    Also, on my top books to read, would have to be the whole Uglies, Pretties, and Specials series.
    Very good.
    They are by Scott Westerfeld.

    : )
    There's some of my favorites.

    Trudi Rose said...

    Oh I loved this post! Though, you should seriously see a picture of my two bookshelves... ;) Anyway, I don't know if you're the type of person to love Jane Austin (I've read all her books many times), so if not, ignore this suggestion, but recently I found a new author that I love from that era: Elizabeth Gaskell. I had only seen her books made into BBC movies in the past, but while I was in Ireland this spring I bought her books "North and South" and "Wives and Daughters." I love them! (and you can find them here in the U.S.).

    As for a more contemporary author, my favorite is Richard Paul Evans...especially at this time of year :)

    Anyway, I could get carried away, so I'm just going to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
