Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Review: In Depth. [SPOILERS!]

Hahaha. Sorry about the previous post. I was still majorly fangirling. I still am, actually. However, I'm just itching to give an in-depth, totally too long review. I'm going to start with the best part.
Favorite Scenes.

  • Baseball! Ahhh! The Muse song is now my favorite on the soundtrack. "Supermassive Black Hole." It just got me sooo pumped! The baseball was amazing. Fantastic. Showed off Emmett's strength & Edward's speed. Jasper playing around with the bat was awesome! It really showed his personality. haha. After he stopped looking like he was in pain.
  • In the parking lot after Edward drove Bella to school. :D Haha. I absolutely fangirled over his expression. I LOVED his smile. It seemed to say, "Heck yes. That's right. I got the girl." Bella: "Everyone is staring." Edward: "He isn't... oh, wait. Nevermind. He is now." haha. And then my favorite line EVER... right as he draped his arm over her shoulder, "Well, I'm going to h*** anyway." I just CANNOT get over his facial expression! I LOVED it.
  • The Cullen house! Okay, so the Italian joke wasn't so funny. But I loved Emmett. And I still laughed at the joke. "Her name IS Bella!" Emmett is my favorite vampire. Besides Edward. Then Jasper in a close third. So any Emmett/Jasper scene made me squeal with happiness.

    Okay. The Port Angeles scene. It was really well done! I loved the girls trying on dresses. Jessica absolutely cracked me up! I loved her. She was much more likeable in the movie than the book. It works for the movie, but I'm glad that she is thoroughly un-likeable in the book. And the cleavage! Hahaha. In the prom scene where Bella is motioning to her chest, and Jessica mouths, "I know!!" it was a crowd pleaser. I definitely laughed.
    And when Edward GROWLS?!?!?! Oh wow. I loved it! He looks so menacing and so very... Edward! Rob did an amazing job with his interpretation of Edward. I keep wanting to just type "Ed" because now we have a horse at my barn named Ed. But I can't. It just isn't Edward-like to shorten the name. Its like typing "Isabella" instead of Bella. It doesn't work.

    But yes. I loved when she just about got attacked. Although, she didn't look like she was concentrating enough. One of my minor complaints that don't amount to anything.... essentially it didn't matter. But it was a little continuity thing with the book that you aren't going to get right no matter what. I loved the, "Get in the car," and the way he drove off! Now I want a shiny silver volvo. ;)

    The Cullens and Hales. Oh my gosh. I'll admit it... I SCREAMED like a 13 year old fangirl when they came on screen for the first time! I believe it was Rosalie & Emmett first. I screamed. Then it was Alice & Jasper [who did very much look like he was in pain - I LOVED it!!!]. I screamed. Then it was Edward. I screamed. Louder. hahaha.

    Like Kate, I slightly doubted Nikki Reed in the beginning. But no more. She was OUTSTANDING! And so was Kellan Lutz. I looooved Kellan. And I love Emmett. So, that was perfect. And Jasper was also pretty darn perfect. Jackson was awesome! And Ashley was an amazing Alice. I loved Alice.
    And Edward. What can I say? hahaha. Superb.

    I still laughed at the fieldtrip scene, even though that was one of the first spoiler scenes I saw. The "you can google it" comment still made me laugh, even though I watched that scene on youtube about 50 million times before I saw the movie.

    I need to see it again. And Courney, a friend who didn't read the books but saw the TV spots and wanted to see the movie, said she would go with me. But no. She just texted me and said she just saw it and didn't invite me because it was spur of the moment. Um, hello. I'll go anywhere spur of the moment for Twilight! hahaha. Sorry. Tiny rant there. I'm not mad at her. I just like giving her a hard time. ;)

    The soundtrack fit in PERFECTLY! I thought all the rock songs that were on the soundtrack might be slightly awkward in places, but they just pumped the audience up! It was fantastic! Supermassive Black Hole was my favorite. And the lullabye could have been explained even a little. It wasn't. But it was still good.

    How Edward was watching Bella sleep, and she thought it was a dream??? I loved how they showed that! The fans, of course, knew he was actually watching her sleep, but the others might not have realized it really wasn't a dream. And then later on, in the "I just want to try one thing," scene [aka, the kiss scene], I loved how he was like, "Oh... I went through the window. Just like I have been for the past few months. 'Cuz I'm cool like that." haha. Not his exact words, but that was his attitude.
    I need to see it again so I can refresh my memory! I'm so jealous of Kimberly, who's already gone to see it again with her older sister! Kate informed me of this little tidbit - she didn't want to be jealous alone. haha.
    I loved James' jump and crouch into the poor man's boat. I agree with Matt from Imprint [a Twilight podcast, created by the Mugglecasters for HP], in the fact that I don't think they should have showed the nomads' faces until the baseball scene. However, they did need to be introduced earlier on than in the book so that the movie audience could understand everything a little bit better.

    And I've already forgotten if I've mentioned this or not, but... I LOVE Peter Facinelli now! He played Carlisle Cullen. He was PERFECT! I loved his mannerisms, his demeanor, his voice, and his looks. They were all absolutely perfect for his role as Carlisle. I'll admit, when I saw pictures of him with his almost black hair right after they cast him, I was a little skeptical. But with the blonde hair and the pale makeup... OUTSTANDING! :D I am now in love with his acting skills.

    I was also impressed with all their clothing choices with their low budget. Especially Bella's and the Cullens'/Hales'. Actually, everything was very nicely done with the low budget. I mean, the sparkling could have been a little more... natural [as natural as sparkling vampires can get], but they got the diamond-like quality there just right. The 'jumping' from tree to tree was very cheesy. But all in all... everything was quite awesome for such a low-budget movie.

    I think I'm done now.
    I promise.

    I also promise I'll never say Oh my Edward [OME] ever again.

  • Friday, November 21, 2008


    Yes. Believe it. I just said OME for the first time ever. TWILIGHT WAS PERFECT!!! EEAAAHHHHH!!! I went to the 12:01 am showing. And oh my Edward, was it fantastic! The soundtrack blended so well... I nearly screamed with delight every time a song started. The casting was PERFECT.
    RPattz = perfect.
    Kristen = stunning AND perfect [screw whoever thinks she's ugly - she isn't!!!]
    Jackson = perfect + AWESOME!!!!! :D
    Kellen = Only complaint was I wanted to see MORE!
    Nikki = Soooooo totally Rosalie.
    Ashley = perfecttttt!!!
    Cam = PERFECT.
    Taylor = Pretty darn awesome.

    Eeeauuagh. THE BASEBALL SCENE!!!!
    I won't post any spoilers just in case... but... it was one of my favorite scenes. And that's saying something. Because pretty much every scene was my favorite. Seriously. I couldn' choose.

    And STEPHENIE MEYER!!! About 3/4 of the audience screamed when she showed up in the diner. Kimberly didn't believe it was her. Kate and I corrected that, though. :D hahaha.

    I'm having an epileptic fangirl fit. Once I finish, I'll finally go to sleep. Maybe. Then I get to wake up at 8:00 am to go feed. At least I don't have to go to school.

    I'm seriously jumping up and down and screaming.

    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    Christmas Survey - Take It!

    A 50 Question Christmas Survey

    Before Christmas
    1. Does your family send out Christmas cards?: Yep.
    2. How soon do you start shopping?: This year... I started in September. Heck yes.
    3. Who do you shop for?: Friends & Family. Dad's the hardest.
    4. Do you put up a Christmas tree?: Heck yes!
    5. If so, is it fake or real?: Hahaha. Fake.
    6. Do you like tinsel?: Not a big fan, no.
    7. Do you use homeade or storebought ornaments?: Storebought. I go for the classy trees. :D
    8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?: Depends.
    9. Do you put lights on the tree?: Hahaha. Its pre-lit.
    10. How about popcorn and cranberries?: On the tree, no. Refer to no. 7.
    11. Is there a wreath hanging on your doo?: Always.
    Christmas Eve
    12. Do you celebrate it?: Kinda.
    13. Do you hang up your stocking?: Yep.
    14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Christmas?": No. Try the Bible. [Christmas story.]
    15. Christmas Movie: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! ["Silver & gold, silver & gold, everyone wishes for silver & gold..."]
    16. Character from any Christmas Movie: Tim Allen from The Santa Claus.
    17. Christmas Song: Ahh. Hardest question! Right now its a toss up between "Baby Jesus is Born" by Garth Brooks & "Carol of the Bells" by Straight No Chaser.
    18. Christmas Memory: Blasting xmas music, decorating, & dancing around the house with Mom. Singing off key at the top of our lungs, of course. ;)
    This or That
    19. Give or Receive?: Give.
    20. Eggnog or Cider?: CIDER! Heck yes, hands down! Nothing like good apple cider.
    21. Red or Green?: Green.
    22. Ham or Turkey?: Turkey. But really... I'm more of a chicken person.
    23. Star or Angel?: Angel.
    24. White Lights or Colored Lights?: Colored!
    25. Blinking Lights or Still Lights: Still.
    26. Were you Naughty or Nice this year?: hmm... ;) I dunno. Nice, I guess.
    27. What do you want for Christmas this year?: lots of things. Among which is: shouldersback back brace, bigeloil, riding gloves, saddle pads, & the House, MD seasons 1-4 dvds.
    28. When do you open your gifts?: with immediate family - on Christmas. With extended family, Thanksgiving. Mom & Dad's sides rotate thanksgiving & Christmas.
    29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?: ummm... I dunno. I can't choose.
    30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten?: Most recently, a weathered old welcome sign. But i convinced grandma that it was the best thing ever. She'll never know. It was the thought that counts.
    31. Who gives you the most gifts?: Parents. And Grandma from my mom's side.
    32. Have you ever had a secret Santa?: No.
    33. Do you like wrapping gifts?: Eck. I'm a perfectionist. Translation: No, because I have to spend FOREVER on one gift till I get it perfect.
    34. Do you put change in those red buckets?: No... not really.
    35. Do you burn a yule log?: Nope.
    36. Can you name all the reindeer?: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer Vixen, Commet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph are all I know. If there's more... lemme know.
    37. Do you bake cookies?: If you know my mother, you know the answer to that question.
    38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Clause?: Nope. I do like it when Reba sings that song, though. ;) And... if you know my dad.... he wouldn't dress up like Santa Claus.
    39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe?: Nope.
    40. Do you go caroling?: Hahahahahaa. Nope.
    41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?: Yep! Purty. :D
    42. Have you ever left Santa cookies?: Yep! And carrots for the reindeer. Too bad mom didn't know that reindeer wouldn't NIBBLE on carrots... heh.
    43. Have you ever sat on Santa's lap?: Yes. I was petrified! I HATED sitting on Santa's lap! I knew it wasn't the real Santa anyways... why would I want to sit on some strange man's lap?!?! Mom always had to bribe me. haha.
    44. Who do you celebrate Christmas with?: Family.
    45. Where do you celebrate Christmas?: Either my house or my dad's parent's house. Alternate Christmases.
    46. Have you ever had a white Christmas?: I live in Oklahoma. I think I remember one. Maybe two. Then again, I could have been dreaming.
    47. What part of Christmas do you look most foward to?: The music. The atmosphere. The decorations. The apple cider. The fire in the fireplace.
    48. Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa?: Yes. Refer to 43. Hated it.
    49. Does your family always take a picture at Christmas?: Usually. Mom's a sap for things like that. I hate pictures.
    50. Have you ever heard the song "Thank God For Kids" by The Oakridge Boys?: Probably. I just don't recognize it by the title. I do like the Oakridge Boys, though. For certain songs.

    Fill out this survey yourself
    Find a different survey
    Brought to you by Bzoink

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    Reading Rut.

    The picture is my newest bookshelf. I say newest... but I actually stole it from my dad. And then my mother and I completely filled it up within 10 minutes of stealing it. The top shelf is completely mine. As well as on top of the whole thing. And half of the middle shelf is mine. The rest is my mothers. You can probably see the edge of my other bookshelf to the right. That is my old one. It's completely filled up. Hence, stealing my father's bookshelf. He wasn't really using it anyway.

    Hmm. Well, the reason I'm posting is that I'm in a reading rut. Not that I have a lack of things to read; I don't. Well, not really. I just want something different to read. My grandmother got me in on the Christian romances. I own over 100 of the darn things. I still love them, even though they don't have much substance. However, even though I'll always be up for a good romance, I'm feeling slightly restless with picking up another one right now. I need something... different. Haha.

    I've made up a reading list for myself. Books I need to read. So far, I have:

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • The Catcher in the Rye

  • The Doer of Good by Oscar Wilde

  • The Davinci Code [never got around to reading it; after all the hype when it was first published I feel the need to be able to at least hold a more than two minute conversation about it.]

    Yeah. It isn't that impressive of a list, but its different. I also have a million and one of my dad's books to read. Those, I can assure you, are not romances. He has a bunch of Clive Cussler and Grisham. I'm thinking of reading some Grisham. Now, I only need to find the time to read all of these. I've also had this unexplicable urge to hole myself up for awhile and write. I actually have a few novels that I've started. Not that I think they'll get published at any point in time... but justs to have the satisfaction of knowing that I actually wrote a full-out story. That would be cool. I write rather oddly, though. I can't have any distractions. Hence the need to hole up.

    I'm getting off topic here. My main point in writing this was to get input. Give me your favorite book or author. Recommend something for me. I'll let you know if I read it. I probably will at some point in time. :D Fiction or non fiction. Heck, recommend your favorite poetry book or poet. Right now I'm pretty fond of Langston Hughes. Hence... this short little poem at the bottom of the right-hand column on my blog. If you haven't... scroll down and read it. :)

    Anyways... Until next post, God bless!


  • Sunday, November 16, 2008

    Half Blood Prince Trailer.... AGAIN!

    I am so utterly elated about this that I simply cannot make any commentary on this tonight. I JUST watched it. It is simply fantastic!! Well... watch for yourself:

    Well... My inner fangirl has just exploded! The only reason why I am not screaming in giddy excitement is that my parents are asleep. And I'm supposed to be asleep as well.
    Rest assured, I shall put up a later post with my comments on this. Now I'm going to listen to MuggleCast as I attempt to fall asleep.


    Friday, November 7, 2008

    Twilight Trailer


    Like the absolute nerd that I am, I just got finished listening to the live episode of Imprint [Mugglecast for Twilighters, basically] and I loved it. The podcast and the trailer! haha. I just had to get my own thoughts typed out.
    First of all... This trailer definitely brought out my absolutely embarassing, but oh-so-fun inner fangirl. I had to pause it several times to get in a fan girl scream. haha.
    Second of all... what is with the opening music? I didn't notice until I listened to Imprint, but they're right... It's like music from LotR or the Passion of the Christ. Both amazing movies, but now it makes me laugh when I watch the beginning of the trailer. Like Laura [on Imprint] I'm imagining orcs invade the set. hahaha.
    And the titles! "Nothing will be the same." So melodramatic. Hahaha. Now I keep hearing Matt [from Imprint again] making fun of the titles, in that deep, trailer-narrator voice. haha. "It begins now."
    And I keep hearing them make fun of the titles over and over. "This movie is... unique." "It will... be different." "Everything will change." hahaha. Sorry. Such generic titles that could be fit to any movie, basically.

    Anyways. On to what I loved about the trailer:

  • Edward catching the apple. [Easter egg! ^_^]
  • Edward running away from the car crash scene.
  • "You are my life now."
  • "Say it... out loud. Say it." "Vampire." [FANGIRL SCREAM!]
  • Seeing Esme!!
  • Jasper, Alice, & Emmett jumping into the ballet studio.
  • "I just want to try one thing." EEE! The kiss! :P [Must make a long comment here. Wasn't the pacing just gorgeous on that part?!?! It was dramatic, tense, fast-paced, and then all of a sudden... the music stops. The camera zeroes in on Edward & Bella. "I just want to try one thing." THEN THEY KISS! AAAAAAHH! My inner fan girl just almost had a heart attack. Sorry. Moving on.]
  • Bella's lines that were taken practically verbatim from the book! [her theories: spiders, kryptonite; Edward's traits: cold, impossibly fast, no sunlight, etc.]
  • James' leap & crouch, when Charlie is telling Bella about the dead security guard.

    Oh... and one other thing that bugged me... I absolutely love love love Kristen Stewart as Bella. [Always have.] However, in some of these scenes she's so pale she already looks vampire-ish. But oh well.

    Can't wait to see how this turns out! Fangirls unite! haha.

  • Thursday, November 6, 2008


    This amazing picture of Dom is up only for me to showcase my amazing photography skills. haha. No, I was just really excited about how this picture turned out. So I put it up. [For some reason I was thinking of PotC, and Jack's undead monkey.] Anyways.

    MY HORSE IS ALIVE! I felt like I had an undead horse or something for awhile now. Don't ask why, the 'undead' thing just popped into my head. So I decided that I would use it.
    More specifically... Dakota is SOUND!
    He is progressing beautifully. I've ridden him twice so far, and I'm going to ride him again today.
    Of course... I have to ride him in the indoor, since there is about 6 inches of sand in there, and it's much softer on his poor bruised hooves... but I can still ride him. And he doesn't get grumpy. Which is a miracle. A HUGE miracle.

    Thank you, Lord, for giving me my horse back!

    I'm soooo happy I didn't have to end up calling Randall, or Bullock, or that farrier guy Jamie told me about... :) Ecstactic, actually. And so is my dad. And my dad's wallet. haha.
    Hey, I'm contributing to the care of my horse! Last month I earned $435 working for Kim, and the month before that I earned $555. So there. :P

    God rest ye merry, ladies and gentlemen! 'Till next post, God bless!

    Saturday, November 1, 2008

    Nov. 1st Haygoods Show!

    Fantastic! Amazing! Superb! Phenomenal! Awesome! Haygoodtastic! And yes, it was even mantastic! hahaha. I loved it. They got the best of the summer show and the Christmas portion was all of the aforementioned adjectives. I need to find some new ones. So far I've thought of thrilling and wondrous.
    I was ecstactic that we managed to score seats right in front of the section of the stage that Shawn hangs out in. My mother and I 'channeled our inner Annette's' and shouted, screamed, cheered, and yelled for all the guys. Though, I have to admit I cheered the loudest and longest for Shawn. He gave me a few extra tap steps 'just for me' while the rest of the guys were rearranging things on stage since I was yelling so much. haha. And my mom and I both got two thumbs up. My mom for yelling, "GO SHAWN!" Me for yelling, "DANG!HOTT!" haha.

    So... for the Christmas portion.
    LOVED IT! The songs that I can remember off the top of my head are:
    Joy to the World
    Drummer Boy
    Hark ! the Herald Angels Sing
    We Three Kings
    Mary Did you Know
    God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
    What Child is This [Dom's sax solo]
    And Aaron's song, though I forgot what it was called. But I do remember it.

    I loved their arrangements of Joy to the World and We Three Kings. Especially We Three Kings. It was unique and really, really cool.
    There were no white suits. Not even white suit jackets, if I remember correctly.
    Dom was still absolutely amazing with Mary Did You Know. Aaron did a fine job with the Little Drummer Boy. Catherine also had a substancial part in that song. Shawn was perfect with God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Dominic blew everyone away with his sax solo, which I do believe was What Child Is This. No one ever said, but it sure sounded like that.

    I believe Mike hit the ground [as in... fell over] about four times. Daddy Haygood said it was on purpose when we went to order the DVD. I still had to laugh.

    Then the next morning, I saw Jason in the box office! We went to see Red, Hot & Blue at 10:00 am. Jason was also able to help convince my mom to get tickets for Thanksgiving night. Front row, right side. Right where we happened to be the night before, which meant right in front of Shawn. Heck yes!
    Then Jason got me hooked on Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks.

    I ALMOST persuaded my mom to let us go back and see the show again Sunday night, but I wasn't too successful. I had the money to go on my own, but Grandma Low & Mom were hungry. I couldn't leave them stranded at the Colonnade with John [the guy behind the desk in the lobby] and no food.

    I drove the whole way home on Monday. Which resulted in us making great time. I only went 5 over the speed limit. Which goes to show you... my mom gets distracted a lot. Instead of getting a heavy foot when she's distracted.... her foot gets lighter. We lose about 10 mph. And gain angry drivers on our tails. I think I'll drive from now on.

    So... that was basically my Branson trip. We also went shopping at the Grand Village, and I finished my Christmas shopping for everyone but my dad. Man, but he is hard to shop for! I'll never be able to outdo that model corvette I got him last Christmas. I got it at the Cardinal Clubhouse at the Branson landing... it had the St. Louis Cardinals' logo all over it.

    Till next post, God Bless!

    Lost In The Woods: The Rant.

    So.. sorry if this sounds overly dramatic. However, I am extremely angry, so I must express it somehow. Yelling about it to my parents isn't a good idea when my dad just got rid of his headache. Arrrgh. I'm trying to calm down and not blow this out of proportion, but it is just SO HARD.

    We went out to a ranch owned by a youth leader in my youth group for Halloween. We were going to do a scavenger hunt over at least 30 acres. And yes, I do know how big of a spot that is. I'm not exaggerating. It was probably bigger, but I'm downscaling it so I won't exaggerate. I'm NOT EXAGGERATING. AT ALL.

    We had one weak flashlight. One hour to get 10 flags. One map [that was NOT accurate. I've ridden some of the land on my horse, and that map was not right, I'm telling you!! Courtney said it wasn't right either!]. And besides Courtney and myself, two other teammates. Who were not helpful, kind of creepy, and kept making sexual innuendos that made us very uncomfortable. Oh... and one of them pulled out a cigarette and lit it... in the middle of a bunch of dry, brittle trees and dead leaves. Courtney almost had an asthma attack. She's allergic to smoke. Yeah. It wasn't good.

    I was proud of myself for not getting creeped out. However... we were following a clear trail [about four people wide], that we saw on the map [well, the crappy map], and we were looking for a HUGE clearing to a pond. [about a 2 acre pond. Hard to miss.] However, we kept walking, and there was no clearing. I mentioned that no one had jumped out at us to try to scare us, so we must be too far away. We might want to go back. But, the guys wanted to try THIS path. The clearing had to be just beyond it, they were sure! At this point NONE of it looked familiar to me, so I was slightly worried. And the guys held our only flashlight, so we kind of had to follow, unless we wanted to sit in the dark.

    Well, the hunt was supposed to last an hour. We didn't hear the air horn blast that was supposed to signal the end of the hunt. We checked our only, dying phone at 11:30, realizing we should have been back at 10:30. Problem. We didn't know HOW to get back. I screamed. LOUD. No one heard me. We had enough juice in the phone to make 3 short phone calls, then it died. So, at least they KNEW we were missing now.

    They hadn't even missed us!

    Then I get in a shouting match with one of the guys. If you know me at all... I don't make a fuss about stuff, even if I'm upset, unless I really know you. I didn't know him at all. However... he was trying to walk off, with our only flashlight. I let him know that he was not going anywhere. We were sitting on a small concrete DAM. In the middle of nowhere. First rule of getting lost... STAY PUT. Common sense. What did he say? "That's a stupid rule."
    Courtney oh-so-helpfully added that she would darn well sleep on that dam if thats how long we had to wait until someone found us. I concurred. Still, he tried to walk off. I was about to pull out the senority card [because I was SURE I was at least 3 years older than him] when we heard a 4 wheeler. We thought it was Stacy, one of our youth leaders. So we yelled to get 'her' attention.
    Turns out it was a neighbor. He thought we were drunks partying on his property in the middle of the night on Halloween. He said he was about to bring out his gun.
    I would NOT have gone with this guy if he hadn't volunteered info about some of the adults in our youth group. Then we borrowed his phone, called our leaders, and said he was going to lead us back to civilization.

    All in all.... we got back TWO HOURS after we were supposed to. I've been walking in the pitch-black woods for THREE HOURS. With sticker bushes, and fallen trees. I'm surprised I hadn't sprained my ankle while I was lost out there.

    Oh, and it was lovely. In the middle of all this, the guys were making innuendos and getting in our personal space, making us generally uncomfortable. Not a fun night. I didn't want to be that one person who ruins the night for everyone else because they aren't happy... but usually that one person WASN'T LOST IN THE WOODS FOR OVER TWO HOURS, IN THE PITCH DARK, WITH A DEAD PHONE, AFRAID OF BEING RAPED.

    *deep breath*
    Now, my non-confrontational side is coming back to me. In stressful situations it goes away, so I can handle the situation. Now its coming back. My mom said she's going to give my youth pastor what-for, but now I'm kinda like... 'ehhh... don't rock the boat too much!' Because I hate being a trouble to people. I hate it. But all I can think of is... what if a group who would have gotten a LOT more freaked out had been the ones to get lost? What if they hadn't had a phone at all, even though we had one that was almost dead... it was better than none at all. I mean... no one noticed we were missing, and one of the guys had a girlfriend who should have noticed. My other friends should have noticed. Courtney's sister should have noticed. We had a deacon's daughter and the pastor's daughter lost in the woods for goodness' sake!

    Okay. Really. I'm calming down now... I promise. :)
    I'm waiting on a biscuit to bake [at 2 in the morning, I know] because it is my comfort food. And I need some comfort right now.
    The thing that made me the most angry, though, was how no one but my mother & Stacy seemed to care all that much about us getting lost for two hours. No one noticed we were lost. Now I'm sore, tired, and hungry.
    I think I'm done now. Too exhausted, finally, to be angry anymore. At least the guy I kinda have a crush on asked what happened, and seemed interested, even though he didn't really seem concerned. Thats one more person who cared. I mean, I expected half of them to just laugh at us, but I did also expect genuine concern from more than 2 adults and 2 other youth.

    Oh. I also missed out on seeing the Haygoods sneak peak thing. I was traipsing through the woods, lost. Hope your Halloween was better than mine!
