Monday, April 14, 2008


21 was AMAZING!!! I absolutely loved it! If you haven't seen it yet... GO! It's about a math genius [Jim Sturgess as Ben Campbell] needing money to get into Harvard Medical. He's currently a senior at MIT with straight-A's, geeky friends, and a low-paying job. He feels bad that his single mom is giving up her hard-earned money to help him get into medical school. His math teacher has a secret card-counting team that goes to Vegas every weekend to beat the Blackjack system.

*cough* It just so happens that the love interest [Kate Bosworth as Jill Taylor] is also on the card counting team, and ultimately it's Jill who recruits Ben. Jill is just one of the "spotters," though. [At least I think thats what they called them...] Ben is so brilliant, after he learns how to count cards he is immediately bumped up to be one of the big betters, posing in Vegas as a rich kid wanting to use daddy's money.

Jumping back to earlier in the movie, one of Ben's best friends told him he needed some life experiences. This was the day after his 21st birthday. [Coincidence? lol.] So, I think he definately got that! My dad was happy because there was a bit of blood, and there were guns that actually went off! *GASP!* haha. But I don't think anyone actually got shot... the gun was just fired into the air. [I can hear my dad sigh from his office about this one! lol.]

This movie offers betrayal, big money, Vegas, romance, and attractive geniuses. [*coughcoughJIMSTURGESScoughcough* What's not to like? My dad didn't think they spent enough time at the Blackjack tables, showing Ben winning, but I didn't think much about that. It's fast-paced, and is very much an emotional roller coaster. However, unlike in Leatherheads, I knew just who to root for in 21! :D

Go see that movie, and God bless 'till my next post!


1 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

I read your reveiw on both movies.I want to see both of them!They both sound good.I agree with you.IMDB has good reveiws and sometiems teh reveiws don't do the movies justice.:)Oh well.Such is!Love you girl!...Oh...You're in my new!