Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well, if you're lookin' for a good movie to see, go watch Leatherheads! If you don't like the movie, it's at least worth watching George Cloony AND John Krasinski. Haha. My dad was rather disappointed there weren't any gun scenes, but the fight scene between George and John was HILARIOUS! :P haha. Actually, all through the movie I wasn't sure who to root for. John or George? I'm still not sure, even a day after I saw the movie....

Oh, and John Krasinski makes the perfect puppy eyes.

I also loved the dialogue between George [who played Dodge] and Renee Zellweger [who played Lexie Littleton]. That was great. They were constantly sniping at each other, and comebacks were always flying. They played it perfectly. A review on IMDB didn't put too good of a spin on the movie, but I go to enjoy myself, not see what's wrong with the movie. Haha. If they give me sports AND romance, who am I to complain? :D The only thing I didn't like was the very end scene with Renee and George. It left us guessing about John Krasinski's character, and I hate it when they do that... haha. Because I can imagine tons of things that could have happened, and want to know which one. But anyways... I liked the last football game. That one was great. And the press box at the games was a good source of entertainment, as well.

So, if you wanna see a funny movie about football before professional football was popular, go see this one! Just don't be disappointed about the lack of gunfights, as my dad was. hahaha. But last night [after we went to see 21, which was amazing as well] my dad and I watched Kingdom of Heaven, and he was happy. :P

Until next post, God bless!


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