Monday, August 25, 2008

First ORU Class..

So... I had 4 students tonight. $20. Its pretty good, but if everyone had showed up that was supposed to I would have gotten $25. Although, I must admit, $20 an hour is awesome pay. I just need to figure out how to get more students so I can get two hours worth of work on Monday nights now. Last semester it was a bad night if I only got $20.

However, I am EXCITED about my students! Two are already trotting on their own. One of those two [Rachel] has ridden her whole life and the other [Amber] took this course last semester. The big challange with Amber is that she's hearing impaired. She needs to lipread. So, if I need to get her attention in a hurry that's kind of bad. But if she can improve a bunch I'm going to be so thrilled. Its a challange. The third girl [Annalise] has ridden several times and has some STRONG legs! That's good. And the fourth girl [Angelina] had never even touched a horse, but she isn't afraid of them. I stuck her on Teddy and she was perfect.

I have a great blend of experienced riders and total beginners. It makes it nice. As you can tell, I am now in a better mood than when I was writing my last post. ^_^

'Till next post, God bless!

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