Monday, August 11, 2008

Half-Blood Prince Trailer! - Gambon Redeeming Himself?

Haha. Sorry, this will be a whole Harry Potter post. And, I must admit, this "Book Dumbledore vs Movie Dumbledore" picture had to have been my favorite one since GOF. Richard Harris, may he rest in peace, was ALWAYS my favorite Dumbledore. He pretty much embodied the character for me. Michael Gambon made me cringe and want to throw things at the screen. A bit dramatic, I know, but still. I never really liked him. Anyway....

HALF-BLOOD PRINCE TRAILER!!! It was awesome. =]
I loved how they focused on the young Tom Riddle. His voice was creepily perfect... The little boy sounds absolutely dead until he talks about making bad things happen to people he doesn't like.. CHILLS! ^_^ Awesome, awesome chills! And he looks like he is enjoying the wardrobe that was being destroyed by flames...

Ooh... and the frames flashing back and forth between young Tom & Voldemort? Fantastic!! I thought Ginny looked like she was sort of standing in the middle of a swamp when she lost her wand. It makes me wonder what scene it is.

I PROMISE, I saw the trailer before now. I actually watched it on the MSN leak like 45 minutes before it was supposed to come out. It is so much better in the big screen version. I heard they are playing it in front of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2!!! KATE, if you're reading this... we are SO going to see that, and we're going to be early, so we can catch the trailer on the REALLY BIG SCREEN! ^_^ *** I am just typing this all up because I've been busy lately, and I was just listening to MuggleCast, and they are discussing the trailer in depth. Like, a LOT of depth. haha.

I think Michael Gambon will redeem himself in this movie! At first, I was going to clap with the others who said they were going to cheer when Gambon died... [Clarifying: Sad that Dumbledore the character died, glad that Gambon isn't acting for awhile longer.] But after I've seen this... I can totally tell Gambon has actually read the book now [because he hadn't read any of Jo's work, at all, for GOF & I don't know about OotP] and he just seems more Dumbledore-ish now. Haha. His voice was different [if you listen to MuggleCast.. I agree with Andrew. Haha. It was NOT just the "echo," I think he sounds different too!], and he seems [yes, just from this little bitty teaser trailer] just... better. Not as intense, but at the same time wise. He seems to have more depth to the character. Yes, I do realize that I have been REALLY hard on Gambon. But a man who doesn't read the book that the movie he's doing is based off of deserves to have people be really harsh about his acting. Yes, I also realize that Gambon did not write the script, therefore he had lines given to him that weren't his fault... but come on... Can you really see Harris yelling at Harry about putting his name in the Goblet of Fire? No matter who wrote the script? Exactly. Thank you. haha.

I want November to be here! This movie is going to be awesome! [Wow, it wasn't too long ago that Kate's finger was broken and Kimberly and I went to the midnight premier of OotP without her.. Kate will be with us this time, though! yay!]

Give me YOUR thoughts on the teaser trailer!!! ^_^ I want to hear them!

"Did you know, sir? Then."
"Did I know that I had just met the most dangerous dark wizard of all time?

1 pretty notes:

Kate Hamman said...

(i hope this works cause sometimes it doesnt)

yes i agree with all of that. gambon seems to have caught on..

funny story..
i dropped grace and her friend maddi off to see sisterhood2. and i was debating on whether or not i would go...decided i didnt want to see it and left.

when i picked them up, first thing out of grace's mouth was: 'we were sitting there and i was texting someone and i heard the now memorized opening music to the TWILIGHT TRAILER..then after that they showed HARRY POTTER!!'

I WAS TICKED OFF! haha i missed an opportunity to see BOTH OF THEM.
so yeah, i think its totally worth five bucks for us to go watch those and then jk. but yeah i couldnt believe it!