Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good Mood!

Oh, wow. A good ride [or two] will always do amazing things for my mood. I was actually getting slightly depressed not being able to do anything with Dakota while he was injured. I pretty much turned into a recluse at the barn because I couldn't do anything.
Today I got to ride Truck AND Dakota. =] Man, Dakota was a workout. Dressage, baby! haha. His walk was horrendus until about 45 minutes of work on it. Now he can stretch his nose to his toes [haha! Intentional rhyme. =P] for about three strides at a time, and he's reaching and getting off his forehand while being forward at the same time! w00t!
I've probably lost 95% of you completely by now, so I'll stop. ^_^ heehee. Tina

1 pretty notes:

Megan Renee said...

Riding is the best thing for a good mood. ^_^ I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! Love ya,Tina! Oh..I read Twilight and even got my dad to read it and he loves it! HA!!! Later!