Friday, December 21, 2007

What is it with these dreams?

Lately, I've had a big, big dream that I've actually remembered very vividly for the past few nights. The first one, I was at MCC... but at the same time it wasn't MCC. Very wierd. Shawn was the only one on stage, and he just stayed there for two songs. That part was kinda fuzzy. But then I went backstage and talked to him for awhile. Then Dominic popped out of nowhere, wearing glasses and talking in another language... I didn't know what it was. Then a guy I knew from the school I went to my freshman year [who also wears glasses] popped out of nowhere and starts talking to Dom in whatever language he'd been talking in... Then I wanted a picture of me and Shawn [this is where it turns into a nightmare - lol.] but my camera batteries died. And I seriously started to say, "NOOOOOO!" but I woke up. Yeah. I was so mad in my dream I woke up, I guess. Haha. It was WIERD. And all these people from my old schools [just 2 schools, not like 5 haha.] were in the audience, and I can't really describe the seating, it was even wierder. And I knew Tim and Cat were there, but I never saw them. However, this wasn't as wierd as a dream I had like a week before that. It had to do something with Tim, the MBers, Dom, me, my horse, and a parade.... lol. It was... strange, to say the least... hahaha. That one I just vaguely remembered when I woke up. THENNNN... Last night. Wow. This had nothing to do with any of the Haygoods, but Kim [trainer], Kimberly, Jamie, Shauna, and me... It is actually a very long dream to describe, so I'll go with the short version. And this was one of those dreams where you have to think about it when you wake up to make sure it wasn't real. Kind of depressing, actually. It started out with a lunch break for summer camp, and everyone listed above was there [oh, and Kelly was just getting ready to leave - scary, scary woman!] and Kimberly had just bought a horse. I dunno how I knew, but I knew it was a mare. And you know those big trucks you only buy to pull like an eight horse slant? Thats the kind of truck this random guy was driving, and he was pulling a trailer that had STALLS, instead of SLOTS. Don't ask me how that worked, it just did. Then he was trying to back up or something, but the joint between the trailer and the truck wouldn't move, and something went wrong, and this horse BOUNCED [only the bottom half of the trailer was there, just half walls... no roof or anything. It stopped at the mare's shoulder height.] like a bouncy ball, and hit her neck on the opposite side of the trailer, broke it, and bounced into the middle of the field. I'll spare you the gorey details. I don't know how my mind comes up with this stuff. Anyway... Kimby and I both sprinted for the mare, and I hugged her and we were both crying. Kim [trainer] comes up, acts like she didn't even SEE the horse, and asks why so much blood is all over her grass, and that it needed to be cleaned off. I woke up just before I started to tell her off, since Kimberly had been in my arms crying her head of, and that was no way to talk to a grieving girl. Yeah. Strange, I know... I remember the STRANGEST dreams. Two dreams from FOREVER ago, I remember like I just woke up from them. One of them, I was spending the night at my grandma's house and I was like 7. I got too hot in the middle of the night and dreamed I was on a rollercoaster [I tossed and turned in my sleep a lot when I was little, maybe explained the roller coaster feeling? dunno.] that was going through fire. When I woke up, somehow I had all of the covers piled up on top of me and I was sweating. Thats the extremely condensed version. And another dream I had when I was about 10 or 11. We'd just had a garage sale [in my dream] and I dreamed a robber was trying to steal my big jar of dimes that I'd gotten from the garage sale. No bills, no other coins, just dimes. My neighbors tried to help me, but he knocked them all out, and he was chasing me, and I finally got inside to call the police, and it was crazy... And my parents were nowhere to be found... Then I woke up. I also remember one other very vivid nightmare that I had when I was 7, right after I'd had my tonsils and adenoids taken out, and tubes put in my ears [all during the same surgery]. So it must have been a result of the drugs still in my system. I remember that was the only time I'd ever been allergic to a drug, 'cause it made me throw up and I was feeling rotten, so I slept with my parents that night. ANYWAY... I was at my grandma's house in my dream, and she was nowhere, I was alone, and I was talking to my mom on the phone, and she said she had to hang up because she was dying... Needless to say, I woke up crying, which made my throat hurt worse, which made me cry harder. So.... yeah. I have had some pretty crazy dreams... And I just looked up the forecast. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. I don't think it will stick very much [At least not to the road] becuase when Kate left about 45 minutes ago, I went out to her jeep with her barefoot, in my favorite [but not very warm] pajama pants [that are SO COOL! All my best pajamas are hand-me-downs. Lol. My eeyore pjs from my mom, and these are white with pink, green, and black stripes from my grandma. lol. ANYWAYS...] and I felt perfectly fine. My toes got a bit chilly where the cement had been sitting in a shadow for awhile, but other than that the ground was really warm. OH MY GOSH! Kim called me at like 6 last night, while Kate and I were watching School of Rock. She said she'd pay me TWENTY BUCKS to bring in, so I asked Kate if she wanted to go to the barn, she said sure, so I told Kim I would. After I hung up, I was like, "Heck YESSS!" TWENTY bucks to bring in. Normally, I get FIVE. Hahahaha. Although, I ran out back in the pitch black to get the guys out back in the rented. I almost stepped in a hole, almost tripped over a tree branch that hadn't been there before the ice storm, and spooked myself with a large, moving black object headed my way. Then I was like, "I'm an idiot. Its a horse. They'res going to be large, black moving giants because I'm bringing horses in in the dark! But the moon was rather bright, so it wasn't too bad once I got out of the trees. I was tempted to take Panther so I wouldn't have to run on foot 'cause she is the bravest pony EVER, but she already saved my butt in the dark once and didn't want to push my luck. Then Splash scared the crap out of me, because he didn't run way ahead of me with the other guys, he stayed behind. Right as I got through the stadium/dressage gate, he snorted really loud, and I didn't know he was behind me! Almost gave me a heart attack. I was about ready to scream [watching Without a Trace has me really paranoid now. lol.] when I saw that it was Splash, not a crazy worker from the neighborhood next to us. This is going to turn into a really long post, so I'll just cut it off now, with another heck YESS! for the twenty bucks last night. = ) So.... Until next post, God Bless! Tina Redneck Word of the Day foreigner, n. and prep. an interior measurement of more than three but fewer than five persons or objects. "Our town tried for the record for the most people in a telephone booth, but we could only get foreigner."

3 pretty notes:

whisper said...

Haha I have weird dreams about the Haygoods too. I may put some of mine up later.I just got "School of Rock" the other day lol. Good movie.

Anonymous said...

lol tina weird dreams, i'm sorry about my slow-poke of a horse . pink and green pajamas huh? thats awesome, your christmas/b-day present is pink and green too. kim asked me to bring in thursday too! but i couldn't i was in Texas. ;[

annette07 said...

I believe everyone has weird dreams. The majority of mine aren't even full dreams. I call it 'channel dreaming' because I end up in the middle of one and don't know how I got there. Sometimes I don't even get to have a ending-it just goes to the next episode. haha