Thursday, January 10, 2008

Crazy, Crazy Horse

There's nothing like the knowledge that the 1250 lbs animal you're sitting on is angry and will do everything in it's power to get you off. Yupp. That's right... I rode an ANGRY horsie today! haha. He was mad he didn't get his food before our lesson. But he didn't get it before our Tuesday lesson, so I was like... tough. He started trying to buck, swish his tail, all that fun stuff.... ^^ He was angry in the warm up, then we went down to the dressage arena where some gridwork was set up... went over that, and thats when he started diving his head down, sticking his butt up, swishing his tail, etc. So when we went down to the stadium I just stood there, not wanting to risk my neck, while the two other girls did some more gymnastics and stadium jumps. While we were standing there, Kim [trainer! haha] was like, "He is in a MOOD today!" Which is a BIG statement. Usually I have a 40 year old QH in a TB's body. He was SIDE-PASSING all on his own he was so angry! And stomping around, fidgeting, turning on his haunches and forehand... It was CRAZY! So we did two calm jumps back up in the main arena, where we warmed up, and were DONE. I made him stand outside his stall door and wait a second before I let him in just so he knew he wasn't getting his food because he was so worked up about it.
-sigh- Horses.
Then I went home and got clean and all ready to go to a bball game at my old school. But, it turns out they're playing a crap team and the HS was going to be letting the Jr. High play for them, so there'd be pretty much no action at all. SO... my friend and I are going to the game next week instead.
And since I was all ready, I called Kate, and now we're going to see National Treasure at the 8:10 showing. = P And I'm driving in the dark to a theater I've never driven to before, so this ought to be interesting. I'm going to have my mom on speaker phone most of the time. hahaha.
Well, this is my second post of the day. I figure it makes up for the lapse in posts the last few days. Remember to comment on my post below! And thanks, guys... really, for all the help on my english essay. -.^ Just kidding. I know you guys would tell me if it was horrible. I'll take the no comments as a compliment for that one. hahaha.
Until next post, God Bless!
P.S. The pic is of the Branson Landing. = P I took it Fan Nite day.

1 pretty notes:

Cassie said...

I read both but i comment for both of them here ummk lol
well i would have been scared because well my first experiance with a horse was when it was getting bit by horse flys and stuff, we were in the middle of the wood and then it started bucking and we were under a branch and i hit my head and almost fell off lol and I like yout story lol

thnks for the comment cant wait for the chat room to come back!!

P.S. I am happy because i am eating a reese blizzard YAY!!!!