Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where's My Tissues?

Bleh. I don't like being sick. Heh. As I'm typing this, my head is back on my pillows and I'm staring at the ceiling so I can breath properly. I actually slept in until NOON today. I'm a morning person, and my internal clock usually demands that I wake up before ten... And that's sleeping in! I just feel as if I've wasted my day if I don't start it by eight. Nine at the latest. Kim [trainer] is the same. And about one of my other friends. But everyone else I know is like... Why can't school start at noon? haha. Don't get me wrong. When I was going to school, I would have loved for it to start at noon too. But not so I could sleep in. Heck, I could go ride before school AND sleep in if it started at noon! haha. But enough of this. When I'm sick, it's even EASIER for me to get off track, I think. And now my grandma thinks I'm dying, because she just called and said I sounded HORRIBLE... thanks, Grandma. Its true, I'm hoarse and am attempting to talk through a nose I can't really even breath through... But still. I'm not THAT bad. Heh. She should hear me try to sing along with the radio. =P Yeah.. i tried, but had to stop. I made MYSELF cringe. ANYWAYS...
I think I'll start putting some book reviews up here every once in awhile. I read enough of them. My one and only New Years resolution was that I keep a log of all the books I read this year. That was just because I knew it would be one that I could keep. And I read so many books that I forget about! I was going through my facebook visual bookshelf application and was amazed at how many books I'd read just under two months ago that I'd already forgotten. I hope memory loss isn't a dominant family trait... If I end up with the memory of my mother, I don't know how I'll handle it. hahaha. I love my mom, but she's not the greatest at remembering things. You'll have to repeat everything to her about five times before it will sink in... Kinda like how long it takes me to catch on to a chemistry/biology concept.
Yeahhhhh.... We gotta go HIGHER! Hahaha. Sorry. Listening to Dom's Higher. = P I REALLY need to get my desktop fixed, so I can get that on my iPod.... Anyway. I think I'm gonna go downstairs and watch a little bit of Order of the Phoenix. I LOVE that movie! I went with Kimberly to the midnight premier for that one! It was amazing. We got THE best seats. Even after sitting in line for literally over an hour. And I had one empty seat next to me for Kate! Sad day... She was still on narcotics for her broken finger because of that stupid surgeon who wouldn't do his job right. KATE - through the whole movie that seat was empty... and we were thinking of you. =(
And I was going to write something of more significance than just this... But being sick, and having a sinus headache, I have the attention span of a fish right now. Hey... that reminds me of Dory... Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... heh. Sorry. And I felt guilty not riding my baby today, so I went by the barn to give him half of Buddy's confiscated alfalfa cube - hey, I wasn't gonna waste it! - and Carissa came by and said something about how she just LOVED my hair every time she saw it. Of course, I said thank you... But I had just been thinking about how horrible my hair - my everything, actually. I was pale, with bags under my eyes, my nose was red... Oh, the joys of being sick! - looked. I had it in one braid off to the side, coming down in front of one shoulder. I hadn't felt like putting it up in a ponytail, because that's what I always do when I don't want to do anything with it. So... yeah.

And isn't this picture of Matt cute? He's so intent on signing something for someone. Hahaha. I think I'm the one with just her nose in the picture to the left. My mom actually took this one.

So. Yeah. Until Next Post... God Bless and GOOD HEALTH!

2 pretty notes:

Tomiah08 said...

awww tina im sad you are sick...that sucks...i ahevnt been sick in watch im gonna get dad is really sick...but oh well...if it happens it yeah...i hope you get to feeling better and wake up earlier from now on...i need to work on that...but papa keeps letting me sleep...i would set my alarm clock but i hate that sound and can barely handle it the 5 out of 7 days so 7 out of 7 i would go in insane...haha...bye bye love ya.

Tina said...

I tried using my mom as an alarm clock for awhile... But it didn't really work out. Hahaha.
And I'm feeling much better now. ^^ I do hope you don't get sick, but Murphy's Law, you know! lol.
Love ya too!