Thursday, January 3, 2008

I've gotta get my butt in gear....

My mother's threatening to put me back in school. I'm normally a calm person, but the thought of going back to school gets me so nervous I start getting stomach and headaches. I know I haven't done too well this first year of homeschool, but it's my first year. PLEASE pray for me, and for my parents. We felt God was leading us to put me in home school... and I hope it isn't his plan for me to be here just one year. So, please pray that I can finish my school work on time [though technically I have a whole year to finish it.. my dad doesn't want me to work through the summer]... ESPECIALLY my AP US History!!! And please pray that we'll do the right thing for my schooling next year.
Because I like school... for the most part. Its just that Spanish, Chemistry, and Geometry that I want to shove under the rug until I'm ninety. = / And by then, I won't need them. hah. I love learning about History [I'm a History Channel watcher! = P], English [I like to write.], and Art & Music Appreciation [too bad I couldn't get extra credit by appreciating the Haygood's music.... lol], and I love my bible classes. Just those dang science, math, and foreign language classes... bleh. At least next year I hope I won't have to do spanish again.
This was a relatively short one, wow! So, until next post,
God Bless!

1 pretty notes:

Kate Hamman said...

GO TINA GO! YOU CAN DO IT... just thought some words of encouragment(sp?) might help :) ily, kate