Sunday, January 6, 2008

Feelin' Good...

WOW! Today felt like springtime... 75 degrees! I love spring weather. Well, until it gets my allergies going and my sinuses all messed up. But other than that... I love it! lol. It just makes me happy. I wore a skirt to church, and I only had to wear one layer of clothing to the barn today! lol. Instead of the three pairs of pants, three pairs of shirts, and two coats. And a SHORT-SLEEVED SHIRT! w00t. Hahaha. Yeah. My nice thin & comfy navy breeches with the hole in the knee [haha] and a pink t-shirt. It was fun. The sun felt good, even though Dakota and I are insanely, rediculously out of shape. Then I gave him a BATH! It was sorely needed, and today was definately warm enough. [I love my EZ-All. It seriously works like magic. Expensive, but it works!] Then I let him dry a bit, and turned him back out to enjoy the weather [or pace the fenceline 'cause he wanted food... both work. lol] since all the other guys were still out. And I took a few videos of him running. Hahaha. I'm havin' fun with my windows movie maker.
I was proud of myself today at lunch. We went to Olive Garden, and I tried calamari. = P I think at one point my dad said it was squid. But it was good. I couldn't eat much of it, but it was good. And I can't go to Olive Garden without some of their fried zucchini. That stuff is amazing. And their breadsticks. Yum. [And.... now I'm making myself hungry. Cereal? Or the last of our chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. haha.] But anyways...
And... what's this I hear on the MB about all the converted Shawn fans? lol. I know Tomiah's happy. More Michael for her! hahaha. But really... you guys are fickle. Fickle, fickle, fickle. I mean seriously... So if next time Dom has an open shirt, will y'all go over to him?? [JUST KIDDING!!!!!! With a little sarcasm mixed in. ^^ Some *good natured* teasing there. Just making sure everyone knew that. = P] I'm not gonna lie, I don't blame ya. hahaha. But after all... Shawn was my favorite the first time I saw them! I did none of this switching back and forth. The only one's I've switched is who's my second, third, and fourth favorite. And I've made a few ties for third & forth, or for second... But Shawn's always stayed my favorite. I mean... notice all my pictures? lol. Okay. Moving on!
Dakota was so good today! Going back to my four-legged baby. Despite us barely being able to canter due to the severity of his NIS syndrome... Not In Shape. Hahaha. But I did my two-point for only one full circle each way, and I felt like my back was cracking in half. So, I don't blame him. And he was so soft after he dried off from his bath... There was some nasty brown water coming off him during the rinse phase of the bath. Yeah it was bad. Its better than giving him a sponge bath just on his face and saddle area with heated up water, though. Definately better.

And I just found out I will be teaching on Monday nights again... Bad thing is, I was wanting to take over Heather's Thursday nights too... but she's teaching this semester as well. So... I'm taking over Kim's Saturdays at 11 and 12... Because Kim hates teaching ORU. I was kind of apprehensive about taking over Saturdays. I mean... I just got off the hook for feeding Saturday nights a few months ago. But I figured, its good money, er, credit. And the bright side is, Kimby and the others will still be around for at least half of one of my lessons. Downside is, I'll have to really hustle after my 10 lesson that I'm TAKING. So... yeah.
I think I'm gonna get some cereal and/or ice cream now... So, until next post...
God Bless!

5 pretty notes:

Cassie said...

ha ha yah my favorite will alway be dominic but shawn is now definatly second lol and i just had cheesecake, it was good. hope you enjoy your cereal or ice cream and i am glad you had fun with dakota today and i am out of shape to lol


Kate Hamman said...

you type blogs like you talk when your on's always entertaining though. anywhoooooo i will see you tomorrow and i super have to get work done.... so if i start off on a random conversation please feel free to bop me on the head bunny foo foo style. thank you.

lovesies, Kate

Megan Renee said...

I lvoe reading your blogs..I always love hearing about a fellow horse lover..Sadly I have yet to ride him in awhile..Between the nasty weather here and me not feeling good..:(...REading your blog have a flash back on the best moment of my life!...My horse Mick and I spent a warm afternoon back in Sept cantering up and down hills.:) It was so much fun and I felt so free...*sigh*..

Also..I wasn't hungry till I started reading about your delicious I need to go find something to eat...haha!Later girly!

Megan Renee said...

Ride him I meant my baby...McQue..A black and white paint gelding...He's 7 but acts 3 sometimes..haha....Gotta love horses...

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