Saturday, January 5, 2008

Flying Monkeys!

That's right, Dom. Smile for the camera! hahaha. Actually, my grandma [sitting next to me] had just waved at him, and he was smiling at her. But, it worked out nicely for the picture. In the small version of this pic you can't really get the full effect of his smile. So go look for it on my facebook or myspace. lol.
And I've been thinking about how many friends I've made this past month! It seems like a ton! I'm kinda mirroring what Cassie said. I love the Haygood MB ladies! [& Jason, Adam #1, and Adam #2! haha] Y'all are so nice. = ) So thanks. You'd think I'd been talking with all of y'all for a year, the way we go on sometimes... But it's been a month, give or take a few days. = P And so... I'm grateful for your friendship. If I need a laugh, I'll pop in a Haygood CD, and head to the MB. Reading a thread or two usually puts a smile on my face. All the good-natured [haha.. or is it? lol.] bantering back and forth is great. And no one is excluded. 'Cept for Jason, down in Tim's basement. hahahahaha
Anyway. I made my first edited video pretty much ever. About my horse. The video is called "Dakota." Pretty inventive, yes? hahaha. Like my Haygood haiku. lol. Anyway...
And yes. The title was purely because I was bored. = P Creative, I know. So until next post [WOW! This one was relatively short too! haha] God Bless!

1 pretty notes:

Cassie said...

I love you video :)

Thanks for the comments on my blogs!!!

I agree with yah the Haygoods will always make you smile and if you look at there picture you drool and kinda start studdering lol
