Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hoses & Hay Bales Have Minds of their Own

Yepp. So, today I had to feed. I swear the hay bales were angry they got cut down and stuck in baling wire. My wheelbarrow tipped over FIVE times. Yeah, picking it back up wasn't pretty either. And I had to constantly rip apart the individual flakes [small sections of hay in the bales that are supposed to just fall apart once the wire comes off. Key words: SUPPOSED TO] because they were too big or weren't falling apart. And the hose would get all sorts of kinks all in it.... But when I kinked it on purpose to go to the next stall...... NOTHING! Argh. I got mad at the hose today. When I told it not to spray water everywhere... it did. When I wanted the water to come out of the hose... it didn't. u.u
And I'm convinced this woman named Theresa [AKA "Crazy Lady"] is indeed crazy. Not like Dom's "off her rocker," more like... go-to-the-doctor, get-some-meds crazy. Or else she just doesn't care. Because she's boarded Trigger at SHRA for quite a long time now. Seriously, we're all surprised poor little old Trigger hasn't colicked and/or foundered and died yet. Seriously. She'll give him a WHOLE BAG of WHOLE CARROTS at ONE TIME. Those big long whole carrots. One time after she left I counted TWENTY in his feed bucket. That alone would take my horse to the ground and call for a stomach pumping! And I have a big ol' boy compared to lil' Trigger. But I guess he's used to it now. She does that EVERY time she comes. And then she'll feed Sid, someone ELSE's horse. Then Kim [trainer]'s horses! Our poor little Shetland pony, Buddy, had a big honkin' alfalfa cube in his bucket that I rescued him from. I don't know what else he ate, but I have a feeling it involved carrots, grain, and some other sort of treat. That's more than he usually eats in TWO DAYS. And Lucky and Panther, our two... Welsh ponies?... Dunno exactly, but yeah. They got carrots, grain, and alfalfa cubes too. But they ate them all too fast for me to get there to take anything away.
And I can't yell at adults. Or tell them what/what not to do. I just can't. Its hard enough for me to do that to people my age! Heck, its hard enough for me to tell little kids what/what not to do... Unless they're my summer camp kids, because I know I have to keep them from getting trampled and stuff. I mean... if Theresa EVER gave MY horse anything, she'd definitely get it. [hahaha. more like an, "Ummm... PLEASE DON'T feed my horse. Yeah. Especially without my permission. So... yeah."] But since it was other people's horses... I ran to Kim [trainer] and tattled like a good little feeder. = P So Kim said she left a hateful voice message... Something about "My ponies have NEVER colicked, and NEVER will. So don't EVER feed them! That's what my feeders are for. And don't feed ANY OTHER horse but your own! I have other owners getting very angry when they find out someone other than the feeders have given their horse anything." So... I was like, Yay Kim! But she's the owner. She can do that. Though she DID ask one of the dads watching his daughter ride if it was legal to kick someone out of her barn for being "weird." I didn't say anything, but I would assume technically, she'd have a legal leg to stand on if she DID want to kick Theresa out, with a notice. Because Theresa has been told NUMEROUS times to NOT feed anything that is ALIVE except for her horse while she's down there. But every time she comes, she brings food for the cat [WHAT is the point of having a barn cat if it can't catch mice? There is none. This is why you DON'T feed a mousing cat. You just DON'T. I swear, she's getting fat and I haven't seen her looking for ONE mouse this past month! And I don't like mice all in my grain. The cat needs to do her job.] and feeds her horse, Sid, the ponies, and who knows who the heck else! So, I would assume legally she could kick Theresa out because she:
- Doesn't follow barn rules.
- Has been given numerous chances to STOP BREAKING barn rules.
- And endangers the other animals' health when she DOES break the rules.
But I guess she didn't think of that. Ah well, I think Kim is going to kick her out whether she knows if it's legal or not. Haha. We're all pretty fed up with her. And right after she left, I found one of my brushes in the community brush boxes that I haven't seen in MONTHS. And I check the community brush boxes every day. Or have been since I lost that brush. It was a nice hard brush. And one time, she used my lead rope... THAT WAS HANGING ON MY STALL DOOR!
She is seriously messed up.
One time we found her going through everyone's lockers. Once she rode Trigger, but he was being a brat and dragged her back to the barn [she was still on him] and was spinning and trying to rear [poor old man. haha. it wasn't his fault.] and so she put him up and gave him carrots! I was like... well, so much for ever riding him again!
Okay... I felt like I needed a rant. = P Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I think I might have a cold. THINK, because the ONLY symptom I have is a runny nose. Which is weird. I had a sore throat before the runny nose, but now its just sore if I haven't had a drink in awhile. And my head is a little heavy, but a cold front is coming in and it always does that when we have dramatic weather changes. So... yeah.
And I personally believe that Garth Brooks' Scarecrow album was his best one ever. The Double Live discs come in a very very close second, but the Scarecrow album was the best. I love "Why Ain't I Runnin." I think "Beer Run" is on that album too, but I'm not sure.
So, until next post.... God Bless!
P.S. Thought all the Mike fans would like this pic that I took. = P

3 pretty notes:

annette07 said...

WOW! What a hassle. Sounds like you will have to be 'like Kim' and help protect the horses until 'crazy woman' learns. :-)

whisper said...

Aww Im so sorry im late Tina haha. I fell alseep.

Wow sounds like your not the only that likes to rant hahah. SOunds A lot of people had a mess of a day. Haha I fing it about the cat though lol. Hehehe

I like your playlist I love your play list. Some good songs I need to make one haha.


Megan Renee said...

Hey Cowgirl! How ya be?Everything good this way.Hope you get ev erything with that "crazy lady" figured out! That is so dangerous for the horses! I hope she learns soon or something is done!

I hope you are doing great and that you have a wonderful day! Later!