Saturday, January 26, 2008

Weathermen are LIARS!

Argh. Okay, I know they can't be right ALLL the time. But EVERY time the weatherman forecasts weather I LIKE, he's pretty much WRONG. And every time the weatherman forecasts weather I HATE, he's pretty much RIGHT! So frustrating. I was told that today it would get up to mid 50's!!! But it stayed down in low, low, almost 39, 40's!!! With a wind chill. And a bit of rain thrown in. And the forecast tomorrow is 60's!!! I'm not believing them this time! I'm going to become very cynical towards weathermen from now on. I should have learned my lesson about a year after I understood what a forecast WAS.. But no. My ever-optimistic self always tried to see the bright side of the weather. I've been crushed about ten THOUSAND too many times!!!
Okay. I'm done now. Hahaha. But seriously, I'd rather they forecast a BLIZZARD and then have it end up low 40's. Not forecast mid 50's and have it end up low 40's. I mean, seriously! We might have believed a blizzard. Its been in the teens every night last week.

Isn't my puppy cute? Heehee. I took that a few days ago. = P

Hmmm... Lately there's been so much stuff going on. I'll do something, then think.. maybe I should write about it in my blog! Everyone would probably laugh, or like to hear about it. Then I get home... and forget. Or so much stuff piles up, it would end up being the longest post EVER! Yes... even longer than my previous loooonnng ones. hahaha. So I'll touch on the highlights, I guess. The writer in me wants to write a novel... when I just have one blog post to fill. ^^ Anyways... Today I had to call the ORU students who didn't show up for my class to see if they were dropping out or just couldn't make it. Turns out one of the guys, Michael, just transferred to Monday nights. I managed to hold back a YESS! Because I'm teaching Monday nights too... and I won't lose any money from him switching up. haha. And three of the girls are now taking privates with Kim, my trainer. Argh. Which is good for them, I suppose. And good for Kim, 'cause they're paying full price. Bad for me, 'cause I just lost 15 bucks a week. But more will filter in, I know. And my mom was listening to me make the calls, and said I sounded very professional on the phone. That made me glad. Since I'm SOO introverted [in person, and on the phone at least] making phone calls to people I don't know pretty much scares the crap out of me for no apparent reason. So, I successfully called tons of people I've never met today, and sounded professional! With minimal "ums." Hahaha. Bad thing about today other than the weather: I just had 4 students, TOTAL. 3 in the first class, ONE in the second. So... waiting for the transfers in, because I DEFINATELY have the room!!
OH! Thursday night I went to a HS basketball game at ETS, my old school. It was spirit week for them all last week, which I don't know if I miss or not. Hahaha. Every day would have a different theme, like mix n' match day, or career day for the younger kids, etc. But Thursday was their homecoming night. And pretty much EVERYONE was there! I saw my favorite teacher EVER, Mrs. Keeny. And I hadn't ever seen her pregnant - she is the cutest pregnant woman EVER! haha. Of course, she was four days overdue on Thursday, so she was a bit tired. Still, she looked great. And we were supposed to be playing a good team, but we won like 70-something to like... 40-something? So, I don't know what happened there. Except for our guys were on FIRE! It was really sad, though... because I only recognized about half of the basketball team.. And there weren't near as many players as there used to be! Hahaha, and the cheerleaders. Hoo-boy. I don't miss being an ETS cheerleader. I loved the cheering, but the majority of the other cheerleaders just weren't... cheerleaders... I guess. Hahaha. Courtney and I decided that by ourselves, we were louder than the whole current squad put together. :S And Liz was down here from Canada - dunno why, but I said hi. She was so surprised I drove myself to the church. haha. I resisted the urge to say, "Well... I'm ALMOST 17...." I was proud of myself for that. haha. Sooo many people had problems recognizing me! I guess when I left ETS in 8th grade I had long, very straight and thin hair down to almost my bottom rib, and I wore very, very, very minimal makeup. And I actually have real street clothes now. lol. Before it was uniform, jeans/t-shirts, and church clothes. haha. Nope... don't really miss it. At least both Christians, Quick & Kendall, recognized me. Melody, one of the girls I was a cheerleader with, popped in that night too and it took her about a minute to recognize me... and we were TALKING. hahaha. I felt so old. I mean... all the little seventh graders were suddenly freshman! Courtney and I were also discussing the cheer uniforms and how one of the cheerleaders we didn't know got away with having pink in her hair.

Dakota made me work for all I was worth this morning, too. I don't know why I have so many issues with leaning into the jumps. I just can't make myself wait for them! Argh. But we went out onto the newly-opened acre of land we just got back. That was fun. Yay for hill work!! hahaha.
And Christi fell off, so I ran and herded Jack back up for her. You know how hard it is to catch a one-eyed horse? My plan was to block him off so he couldn't run that far... then I realized I was on his blind side, and he couldn't see me, so he'd most likely run into us. Hahaha... yeah, BAD! So I just trotted after him, and luckily he didn't kick or anything so I could stay safely atop my horsie and still hold onto Jack's reins. And I was SO HAPPY about how Dakota did the serpentine of jumps! He's slowly learning to work out of his butt, not his shoulders. I have to work so hard to get him back on that butt of his! hahaha. Sorry, non-horsey-people. = P I'm trying to get the motor boat effect out of my horse... how the back end goes down and the front end goes up when going forward. = D

Well... If I think of anything else, I WILL have a novel! Hahaha. So, until next post, God bless!

1 pretty notes:

annette07 said...


HAHAHAHA Your blogs are so amusing-looonnnggg-but amusing. I love to read them. Weatherman are hardly ever accurate. That is another reason I cannot believe the whole 'Global Warming' theory. I know it is based on scientists consciences. Which in reality is more about what they THINK will happen and less about what they can PROVE.
We had - temps all week and supposed to have UP to 40s this week.
I believe you will be blessed with new students who will be more considerate.
Your puppy is adorable! haha
Well, I am going to go before I end up writing a response novel. lol

God bless,