Thursday, January 31, 2008

People have issues & Franklin had mood swings!

.....WOW. First off... the picture is after it had been snowing for an hour or two. I think it's still spitting snow a bit. Not much. And it was simultaneously melting AND snowing at one point. Haha. You gotta love Oklahoma. And I don't know if you can see the individual snowflakes.. but they were HUGE!!! ...On to my "designated subject." I was watching Dr. Phil today with my mom. I'm glad that man loves his job. I couldn't do it. I don't know if you guys have seen the video footage floating around the internet [I didn't.. just heard about it from Dr. Phil] about this dentist that pushed a lady down because he was "attacked." This was after he had gotten out of his car to yell for someone who was blocking the drive way to his business's building, and when the guy didn't move fast enough, jerked the guy out of his car, got in HIMSELF to move it, then when the other guy said he'd move it... The dentist got out of the other guy's car and pushed him, claiming he'd been "punched." Then the other guy's sister Yolanda came out - who the guy had been waiting for - and yelled at the dentist to stop attacking her brother. Dentist goes after Yolanda, PUSHING HER TO THE CEMENT - HARD - claiming she'd attacked him first. I saw her moving to defend herself. Now she has a protective order against him, and the Dentist AND HIS LAWYER were both on Dr. Phil. Who firstly said that the Dentist was stupid for getting out of his car - I agree! And from now on... I'm double checking my car's locks, too! - and that it was his fault for starting the whole situation, even though he was physically touched first. WHAT A MESS! Common sense, people. Policemen were everywhere nearby... if someone is blocking a roadway... flag an officer down! Wow. The next person was a 75 year old lady who took a hammer to her local cable company office and smashed in the receptionist's phone and keyboard because she wasn't getting any customer service. o_O yeah. haha. Dr. Phil kept laughing when he talked about her. haha.
And FRANKLIN THE TURTLE!!!! Did you guys ever read the Franklin books, or watch the TV show? I LOVED that little turtle when I was a kid! We did a bookshelf overhaul today, because I ran out of room for all my books on my little bookshelf. So my mom finally had to move all the books I'd hat when I was little to a different place, so I could put my overflow books onto her bookshelf. And I found the FRANKLIN books!!!! Heehee. "Franklin in the Dark," "Franklin is Messy," "Franklin is Bossy," "Franklin and the Thunderstorm," "Franklin's Valentines," "Franklin's Bad Day," "Franklin Goes to the Hospital," "Franklin Rides a Bike," and "Franklin's Music Lessons" are just some of his books. I went through our stack of them, looked at my mom and said, "Franklin had a lot of mood swings!" Hahaha. It might have been one of those "you had to be there" things... But we laughed for a good 3-4 minutes. = P
ALSO - we're gonna plan a mother-daughter-Haygood bonding trip. heehee. In June or July. I'm happy. We're also going to see the Haygoods August 7 [Mike's birthday, I believe. Right, Miah? haha.],the day after Thanksgiving, and HOPEFULLY their last show & FAN NIGHT! = P Sunday my mom and I were sad we hadn't discovered the Haygoods before we did. [I'm happy to say it was MY idea to see them when we did. ^^ teehee] But my dad was like, "I'm not. Surely we'd be broke by now from all the gas and ticket money if we had! haha. I called him a party pooper. =P
Hope this wasn't too long for y'all! Have fun commentin'! I know I have sooo many posts, its hard for you guys to keep up. heehee. 'Til next post, God bless!

2 pretty notes:

annette07 said...

Sounds like you had a very interesting time. I have most of the 'Little House on the Prairie' books and will give them to my nieces and nephews when they are old enough. My aunt gave them to me. Thank goodness for TVLAND and such to show these for them.
I always put my cellphone by my gearshift in case there is a problem while I am driving. My doors automatically lock but I still hit that little button to make sure.
Mother Daughter 'ROAD TRIP'! Yeee Haaaaaaw. Enjoy and give us pictures and details.

Megan Renee said...

Haha..I never watched Franklin but i know what you are talking about. The toehr day I was looking through teh books I had as a kid. It's always fun to go back and look at the things you were interested in as a lil kid.

The mother daughter road trip sounds like a blast!

I gotta agree...Yeessshhhhh....Common sense people. that is one thing the world seems to be lacking any more. That and self control.*shakes head*